Welcome to the Realm of Tenkijam - It's back, revamped, and everything is being redone - in time for the New Year! Everything in the realm is being pumped up and cleaned up.

The purpose of this site was, at first, to create some kind of summer hobby, as my friend and I had just moved in to New Jersey from New York. It began as a small, not-so-colorful show of kid knowledge of the net. Early August, the aim of the site then changed to entertaining our friends and reaching out to them via the means of the internet. Before school began again, in September, the site took on a larger scale, to try to entertain those who come by our site by whatever reason possible and also to entertain and keep contact with friends.

As you may know or may not know, I, Tenki, and my friend, Jam ( two sns that together made the name, Tenkijam ) had created this account as beginners at web programming, July 6th, 2001. We each had different ideas, and therefore, from this one account, split it into Jam's realm, and Tenki's realm. Click one of the Banners below to enter Our Realm.

Realm News! (last updated at 9:22 AM EST, December 3 03)

  • waaaah i'm starting to work on the site once again! lol... gonna be my 5th layout change since the beginning of this site, but i'm moving to Georgia on the 26th... so i'll have to do stuff during school... ¯_¯; expect an update soon

  • Home made computer art from this Front Page to Tenki's Realm are copyright One Called Johan/TenKi 2001-2002
    - and if you think of stealin em and i find you (with the exception of the times when they're used to advertise the site or when it looks nice), I'LL GET YOUR SERVER TO DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT AND I'll BOMB YOU WITH EMAILS!! GUAHAHAH!

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