Issue 35

Somewhere between Hell and Paradise theres a place called Earth

Ever had one of those days where everything just pisses you off, maybe it was a week or month of bad days. Whatever it was it sucked and anything living that got near you died. Well, its that time of year kiddies Xmas, Yule, Hanukah and Kwanzaa are all around the corner. People are bustling to get those gifts, decorate that tree and to celebrate. Along with this time of year also comes Depression, and Suicide. Ironic that the happiest time of the year is the highest in suicides. I'm sure you've all felt it, hiding behind the baking, cleaning, decorating and shopping. That sense of dread, I've felt it and it sucks ass. If you haven't felt it watch the news, drive in the bad part of town, or just evaluate your life and you'll find it. Its almost like all the holidays are just a cover for what everyone is truly feeling. Friends will betray you, pans will be canceled. family members will die and war will go on then you'll feel the truth about this time of year. You may even see it all around you. Just try it, sit at the mall and watch the people. Now I admit anytime of year you will see sad, depressed, broken people. but its always worse and in more quantity this time of year. Behind the smiles, behind the laughs and even behind the stress its there. Its part of society. The only people not broken by it are recluses, hermits, people who choose to stay out of the hustle and bustle of society. Your lover may break it off. your dog may die and your may get audited in the course of the year but between November and January it always seems worse and gets worse. The smallest things can turn into huge issues. So what do we do about it? This horrid time of year that causes more grief and bad acting then any other time of year? Hide. Lock your doors, and hibernate like bears do. If you can't do that avoid it at all costs turn off the phone avoid people at work rent all your favorite movies and avoid watching actual TV. The World doesn't need anymore people dying of this disease, and even if you survive you just barely do and there's always next year. So avoid the heartache, the disappointment and wait till the new year. This is the Depressed Lord Darkness saying suicide is not the answer but Jack Daniels can always help.