Issue 15

Black history Month not just a month

Well, kiddies it's February and that means 2 things, lots of people having sex on Valentine's Day and Black History Month. A whole month remembering the accomplishments of our African-American counterparts. From TV to Radio to magazines to billboards you'll see them. Ok give me a break! If it wasn't for the NAACP there would be no Black History Month and true its a great thing in essence, What about Hispanics? Italian, Irish, Asian and all the others that have made great achievements in American History? The Italians helped Americas Industrial companies grow buy working in harsh conditions for little pay, the Irish and Polish not to mention others helped build the Railroads making in easier to get to the West. And the Asians worked their butts off in mining and lumber yards so that we could have things like houses and fuel. But they don't get a lot of credit. Now I'm not saying Black History Month is all bad but lets broaden it, make it for all ethnic groups who made America great! Hell lets drop this month shit and remember them 365 days a year, lets have parades every so often remembering the people who made it possible to have water in California and Arizona, who built the towns in New Mexico and raised the cattle in Texas! cause sure as hell none of those people were rich born in America folk they were immigrants. Hell lets take out the diversity and celebrate like a country and not ethnic groups. We're all immigrants in one way or another, someone in our family came across on a boat and helped make America what it is today, even the Indians or Native-Americans are immigrants they came across a land bridge or boat to get here 1000's of years ago, So three cheers for Everyone who made this country and this world a great place white, black, Hispanic, Polish, and so on. because its not just Black History Month its American History, It's World History, It's diversity history....This is Lord Darkness saying good night and good-bye