Issue 10

Manson or Brady Family values? Parents?

In today's society families aren't what they used to be. Mom and Dad both work and the kids take care of themselves. Geez and we wonder why kids are killing each other, hell that was just the general description of an American family I know parents who smoke pot with there kids, other parents who try to be their kids best friend instead of a parent! Jesus people and we wonder why our kids are screwed up? Hell that's minor shit compared to the mental and physical abuse other parents do to their children. Talk about emotional and physical scarring! Oh sure we all pretend we're normal families cause that's what's proper. Ignore moms drinking problem, and uncle franks sexual advances, and hell we better be quiet dads high on crack and doesn't want to be disturbed! We're taught to act normal outside our homes, The perfect family yeah my ass! Hell people lets start bringing some of these skeletons out of the closet! get some damn help! Maybe then we can help little Billy before he starts smoking crack WITH his old man and little Suzy before she starts drinking WITH mommy! I admit it my father mentally abused me, and I'm screwed up from it but hell lets not all end up like me shall we? So parents get off your sorry asses quit blaming the music and the video games and start taking the blame! We don't need anymore screwed up kids and families. Lets take those family values we pretend to have in public and start using them at home......This is Lord Darkness saying good night and Good-bye