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Sacred Narmada River Sand

The Sacred Sand comes from a place on the Narmada River in central India where intense Tapas (penances and austerities) and meditation have been performed for thousands of years by many saints in order to uplift humanity. The Sacred Sand has been infused and charged with Pranic energy (Universal Life Force) in order to activate the healing power. After being charged with Prana or Life-force and Mantras the Sand is sealed in a small container.

When the Sacred Narmada Sand is introduced into any space where dark energy is present, the negative energy is immediately neutralised. Because it is such a potent source of Divine Light which remains intact, it can be used any number of times. The high vibration of the Sand connects people to their power, to their own Divine Vibration.

Keep a small container of Sand

by the bed as you sleep for protection and healing
in your house to maintain the presence of Divine Light
at your place of work for harmony in relationship with others.

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Last modified: Saturday March 27, 2004.