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Tapovan Retreat
Health Resort
Upcoming Events
Tapovan Farm
New Projects
Tapovan Gallery
Tapovan History

About Tapovan

 Imgp0632.jpg (110278 bytes)Tapovan is unique, a delightful oasis run by western people, situated in the north of Maharashtra. 

Tapovan is an ancient place of Healing Fires. During the course of time this practice was lost and now it is revived.

Tapovan is a teaching centre, where anyone of any caste, creed, colour or nationality can learn about Agnihotra and the other Yajnyas (Healing Fires) that are practised here daily and where one can experience directly the healing results which derive from regular practice of these Yajynas.  

Three years ago in March, 2001 we commenced 24 hour round-the-clock Om Tryambakam Yajnya healing fire which continues to this day. 

Imgp0420.jpg (123999 bytes)Tapovan is set amongst a large orchard of more than 300 trees, mango, guava, papaya, pomegranate, custard apple, fig, almond and also some Ayurvedic healing trees.

The orchard receives an extra boost from our active cooperation with Nature Intelligences, coupled with the ongoing daily program of Yajnyas.

Anyone who is interested can visit Tapovan and the 24 hour round-the-clock Om Tryambakam Yajnya healing fire on a daily basis.

Everyone who stays at Tapovan can participate in growing food using Homa
Therapy techniques, seed saving, sprouting, preparation of healthy food.
Learning by doing is the key.

Imgp0156.jpg (72101 bytes)A health retreat with western standard accommodation  is now available for those who wish to undergo up to a  one month detox program based on Nature Cure and Ayurvedic Pancha Karma techniques. Healthy diet and simple natural healing techniques will be taught to each person.

If you are considering a visit to Tapovan the climate is most moderate between July and March. 



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Last modified: Saturday March 27, 2004.