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Not so long ago, in a galaxy not so far away...


I just decided. Once I upload the mp3 section (perhaps I already did?) this site won't see the next update 'til next summer holidays (2002)... It'd be nice if you came here again then. ^_^

And right now, I'd recommend you to check out the Music section, if you're interested in SW mp3s.

N E W !

Ah, yes. This section will get its updates soon.


Note: This site is under construction. For now, it's based mostly on the old Star Wars trilogy. It'll expand after the Episodes 2 and 3 are done. In the meantime, feel free to wander around the construction yard. Be careful of the wet cement.

If you're a true Star Wars fan, I think you'll find the Images and Artwork sections interesting (but these are not the only sections that include nice pics). Also, for all you fan-fic writers there, would you share some SW fanfic for my site, please? Please?

But if you're not a SW fan, you'll find all the basic SW info here that might turn you into one... :)

So first, here's a table with the main info about the movies. You can download the movie scripts by clicking on its name.

Episode #




U.S. Profit ($)

Worldwide Profit (in millions $)

Academy Awards (Oscars)


Phantom Menace


George Lucas



[none]: Imagine that! ...stupid Matrix...


Attack of the Clones


George Lucas


-we'll see-


George Lucas


A New Hope


George Lucas



Art Direction - Set Decoration, Costume Design, Sound, Film Editing, Effects - Visual Effects, Best Music - Original Score, Special Achievement Award for Sound Effects Creation


Empire Strikes Back


Irvin Kershner



Sound, Special Achievement Award for Visual Effects


Return of the Jedi


Richard Marquand



Special Achievement Award for Visual Effects

Star Wars bloopers!


Do I need to say: all SW music was composed by John Williams? Well, now you know, anyway. :P

Personally, my favourite would be the Return of the Jedi. The best scene in the movies would be the Battle of Hoth, and my favourite characters are Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. :)

Anyway, if you want to correct me on something (dead links, incorrect information, grammar, anything that bothers you), or just help me with my site, check the Mail Me section (and mail me :)).

And here's what's on the Menu for now:

Familiarize yourself with SW characters, see who's acting them, pics coming soon.

Star Wars tech. Spacecraft, weapons, devices ... and the list goes on and on ...

Kinda like "Images" sector, as you'll find other artwork elsewhere (if you look for it)

Here are some miscellaneous images, as you'll find others all around this site

John Williams' music and some more. Mp3, of course. For download. Duh.

No fan fiction for now. But if you write anything or find anything, mail me.

There's not much to tell about todays CG, except that with it, everything's possible. But it wasn't always like that...check how was the old trilogy made!

Frequently Asked Questions. And what did you think?

LucasArts is George Lucas' company which makes SW games .

Links to my favourite sites, not necessarily SW related.

Send me mail! And remember, if you're sending me literature, write the writer's copyrights. I don't want to be sued!

Star Wars Sanctuary

Feel free to discuss stuff here. You might say "no rules", but I'll delete whatever I find unappropriate.
Heh heh, I'm evil, am I not ? (don't answer this, please)

Bon apetit.

Uh...I really must write this.Well, maybe I don't, but I still will just in case...You know, all the Star Wars copyrights go to George Lucas and LucasFilm. Most of the data on this site was gathered from other official and unofficial sites, and CD ROM encyclopaedia Behind the Magic. I don't think you can sue me on this one, because it's only the gathering of pictures and text, I'm not making any money on this. I just do it so I could give you all the details you need to know if you're a Star Wars fan, or becoming one.
Just a note in case any men in black come and visit me any moment now...STAR WARS RULES!

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