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How Did The Zipper Changed The World

The zipper is really handy. It has changed the world in many ways. You can look cool and be warm at the same time, it saves you time when you are in a hurry and don't have time to do up all your buttons on your coat. You can do up your luggage and you can keep things in your purse better because buttons can burst and velcro can be easily undone. So as you can see zippers have revolutionized our world in many good ways, well that is if you don't work for the button company. When the zipper first became very popular the button suffered the lose of support from many companies who thought zippers were better. It opened jobs for people who specializd in sewing the zippers on to clothing and making the zippers so people could sew them on. Sadly, once macheins were made to preform these procedures these people lost their jobs. The zipper also provided more profit towards the mining industry because most zippers are made out of metal. Zippers alos have helped people in sugery. A different form of a zipper can be found on the ziplock bags. It may not have the same teeth but it helps keep our meals freasher than they would be if we left them out.

As you can see from viewing our website the zipper has changed the way we live by making it simpler, not as much of a hasel, and giving us a chance to enjoy more of our lives. So turn to your bag jacket heart or anything with a zipper on it and say "Thank you for helping me out".
