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Power Levels

Cell Saga Power Levels:
Trunks Saga:
Android Frieza: 20,000,000
King Cold: 21,000,000
SSJ Future Trunks: 25,000,000
SSJ Goku: 25,500,000
Vegeta: 2,500,000
Piccilo: 1,500,000

Android Saga:
Android 20: 5,000,000
Android 19: 10,000,000
Android 18: 40,000,000
Android 17: 40,500,000
Android 16: 50,000,000
Cell: 50,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 40,000,000
Piccilo: 10,000,000
Kamiccilo: 40,000,000
SSJ Goku w/ heart virus: 10,000,000
Gohan: 6,000,000
SSJ Future Trunks: 25,000,000

Cell Saga:
Cell w/17: 70,000,000
SSJ Vegeta (after Spirit and Time training): 80,000,000
SSJ Future Trunks (after Spirit and Time training): 85,000,000
SSJ Goku healed from heart virus: 45,000,000
Perfect Cell: 125,000,000
SSJ Goku (after Spirit and Time training): 100,000,000
SSJ Gohan (after Spirit and Time training): 99,000,000
SSJ Vegeta (after second Spirt and Time training): 90,000,000
SSJ Future Trunks (after second Spirit and Time training): 90,000,000
Android 16: 55,000,000
Mr. Satan: 100
Piccilo after Spirit and Time training: 90,000,000
SSJ 2 Gohan: 300,000,000
Ultra Perfect Cell: 300,000,000
Gohan's Cell killing Kamahamaha: 350,000,000