Humans are n00bs.

When UFOs go BAD
First one ever. Cool, huh? Just the concept: stick figures vs. UFOs is cool.

Second one. Had to put a giant robot in there somewhere.

Had to have a octopus monster. But no tenticle rape. I'm not that much of a hentai freak.

And the aliens did attack the city, and there was much burnination.

Aliens meet humans. They're not killing eachother. Yet.

This settles it. I've played WAY too much half life.

Go paramedics! I'm thinking of making classes, and turning this into a sort of game comic,
ergo the class paramedic. w00t? Not really. Or whatever.

Armymen vs. Aliens. Way too much opposing force. Nuff said.

An insider's look at the visitor's spacecraft.

Yes, it's an alien eating a human. Just trying for a fear factor. With stick figures. Right.

This is of the alien's planet, and an alien and human riding on a boat looking at it all. I hate this picture, I don't know why. I don't think it serves justice to the idea.

Another steriotypical humans getting fragged pic. w00t. I actually had fun with this one... It was kinda entertaining. More so than last one.

I kinda like this one.

This was just a quicky. In essence, what if Rambo met the aliens.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are FUCKED.

I couldn't resist. Really.

My brother thinks I took a perfectly good terrain render and ruined it. I think that this picture is a good representation of what I did to him. Minus the blood, of course. They pulled me away before it could get to that.

It's called Terragen, and it's an awesome program.

It had to happen. Gotta love humanity. Or aliens. Whatever.

Did this while housesitting and bored. Sorry no updates lately, been busy with crap. Hopefully will start up with more soon.

Total. Slaughter. Vash the stampede, in Alien form... But Vash doesn't kill. Never mind then.

All pictures are copyright Peter Jung industries. Or whatever. If you steal any of my crap... I'll glare at you. And robot aliens will glare at you too. Not that any of this is worth stealing... But at least we won't sue you. Stupid RIAA.