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1(1).jpg (36421 bytes) Name:shinji ikar

Age: 14

Status: Third Child

shinji seems like a very shy boy to say. he is the pilot of EVA unit 03. when shinji was young his father abanded him shortly after his mother died. leaving his school teacher to raise him. to say that shinji is like a hedgehog he trys to get close to others but in the end he just hurts them.
he did end up becomeing freinds with rei and asuka and he lives with misato(misato takes complete advantidge of him but he relley doesnt care)but other wise he is a reliable kid and a exsellnt pilot not very smart. yet hes A good kid.


1(1).jpg (36421 bytes) Name: rei ayanami

Age: 14

Status: first Child

rei is the strangest charicter ive seen. she is like she has no emotion and she doesnt care for anyone exsept in genesis 13 were she starts have progress in her emotions she pilots eva unit 00 she does seem to be atracted to shijios father and even gives her life to save shinji the reason for this is shocking but if rei exsisted i would worship her because well she is relley relley hot she has a great rack (its true) but id say that rei is deffently very mysteruose but she is definetly one of my favriote anime caricters


1(1).jpg (36421 bytes) Name:Asuka Langley Soryu

Age: 14

Status: first Child

asuka is one quarter japaness and 3 quarters german. and well she is quit a peice of work shes very selfish she has an ego bigger then all three eva's combind and she is pretty hot and she is totaly in love with ryoji but she has a dark side to her like when she was 4 her parents comited suicide first her father slit his wrist and then her mother was sent to a insane ayslum and asuka found her mother hanging by a rope she then learned and voad never to exsept the sypithy of others she also pilots a eva unit 01 she has a very strange attitude towerds people but sh is a fun loving girl she lives life to the most and is very open to her feelings and what a fun seeker but theres always the thought that she blaims herself for her parents deaths but i dubt that she relley thinks that but other wise she is a very freindley person. and loves to be the center of attion

1(1).jpg (36421 bytes) Name:misato katsuragi

Age: 29

Status:chief commander

OH boy kisato is not your avrege woman.
#1 she is a very very very very hevy drinker practicly in evrey sceane ive seen were shes at her house shes having a drink
#2 she is one lazy chick
#3 totle slob boy cleaning is not one of the things she usaly does she is a totle slob

but she is very very hot and she has breast like watermalons but when it comes to her job she wouldn't think about anything else she isnt responseable exsept when shes at work but shes a good person at heart.

1(1).jpg (36421 bytes) Name:pen or pen pen


Status:pet pengin

pen pen has to be one of the most unigue charicters in the series what other pengin lives in a fridge drinks beer and takes showers pen pen i described as a warm weather pegin