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SoothSayer's Home

  MY STUFF I MADE CAUSE IM COOL AND A l33t H4z()r (KIDDING) - ()® Åm ї- yes I am



My Arcanum Cemetary Hack

The Lightsaber Battle I did with Skye (ME55IAH) and Denham (lordOfTetris) - approx 1.6 meg no sound

And if u suck and have a MAC >:(  (LOL)         (This means you Denham) Then get the quicktime version here. its a whopper at 1.9 meg. -but it doesnt work.

BOW TO THE BALL :) -_-_-_-_-.


 Get Street Rod 2 for Amiga here



Here is my openGL reflections and shadows program…

I AM L33T pH34r m3!!!

My first attempt at cracking J - the program sucks but it took me 4 hours!!


Tada here is my modified Torque exe. It has flying!!

BTW to use the exe you will need the realm wars game from -> Garagegames (see the bottom) - and a flyForce and flyDelay field needs to be added to the player class.


and here is the sample player with all the scripts etc that come with the example Torque game (this has the .max file as well)


Here is the source code for my miraculous Spline thingymajig.

and here is the program itself.

and here is a better up to date one. push P to turn off the physics.

the source yet again.


And now the fractal generator.... program, and the rar with the source.



Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! -This statement was generated by same Lam3r admin at Angelfire and is in no way connected with me. I just don't want to delete it. although that would be easier....

GO MALEVOLENCE!!! It shall be made.... (Its a game I'm working on. go to )

We have changed the direction for MALEVOLENCE. go here to find out about it. - fooled you THERE IS NO INFORMATION!! >:)


This is ZBRUSH. Don't tell anyone where you got it :)

WEST SIDE \_/\_/














































































































































































































































HAHA you suck...



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