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Realm of the Night

The night sky grows clouded by the rain clouds in the distance. Your only source of light is the moon and stars, which are now blanketed by the clouds. In the far off distance behind you, you hear a crack of lightning. Suddenly, it begins to rain. Running for cover, a sudden draft of downpour gushes from the sky. You find yourself in a pasture now. The lush green grass beneath your aching feet are comfortable. You notice there are no fences here and that there is a beautiful waterfall off to your right which flows into a spring. Glancing up into the sky, the stars twinkle and the moon shimmers.

You walk around the pasture for awhile, listening to the calm sound of the waterfall. Turning around, you're startled to see a beautiful creature. Awed by her beauty and elegance, you quietly breathe a sigh of relief.
Greetings traveller, you have entered the realm of the Kiira. We are the night dwellers and you have entered my tribe. My name is Lonesome Glory. Please, follow me Lonesome Glory's soft, gentle voice says to you.

Following her, she leads you behind the waterfall and into a mystical area. A soft blue moss covers the ground and a beautiful spring lies in the middle. The cavern walls imitate the sky outside.Glancing around, you look at the ceiling of the cavern and are surprised to see the clear water of the waterfall flowing.
You may stay here and watch us grow, but please... do not steal any of us or alter how we look. The way we are born is how we shall stay. Lonesome Glory turns and says to you.

Nodding in agreement, Lonesome Glory leads you to a portal. In case you wish to ever leave the Night Realm, this portal shall bring you back to where you came from. Lonesome Glory says politely.

"Thank you," you manage to utter. Then, the Kiira leads you around the cavern, highlighting the important rooms. Stopping in front of a rustic looking door, she whispers This is the room of the Realm Keeper. She stays here with the eggs to help me guard them. She's also the Guardian and helps take care of the Kiira already growing.

Leading you inside the room, Lonesome Glory catches eye contact with the girl draped in a black cloak. A smile breaks out on the Realm Keeper's face as she turns towards you.
"Greetings, my name is Adrienne. I'm the Realm Keeper of these parts. Welcome to the Realm of the Kiira, or as we all call it... The Night Realm. Lonesome Glory and I have been busy preparing the Night Realm for incoming Kiiran. We've also been waiting for some Visitors. But, I must tell you that everything here is not to be touched or taken by you, Visitor. The Kiiran are night dwellers and enjoy peace and quiet. That is why I've provided one of my own realms to accomadate their needs here. Here, the sky is always studded with stars and the lone moon glows."

And with that, Adrienne nods towards an egg sitting atop dandilion fluff. Leading you towards it, you find that the egg's blue colors mix and swirl together.

Kiira's Caretaker: Adrienne
Kirra's Name: Lonesome Glory
Kiira's Gender: Female
Kiira's Age: Egg
Adopted from:

Please remember that the Kiiran you view on this page are copyrighted by Orion. Therefore, you may not steal, adopt them out, or alter the ways they look. Please be considerate and honest.

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