The sweet smell of cherries lures you through a strange orchard, foreign fruits of every colour hanging plump from the trees around you. Following a trail of tart crumbs, you come to a clearing whereupon which a checkered blanket and picnic basket are set. As you reach for the basket, a wild-eyed shadowling leaps from a tree, stuffing a duskberry into your mouth. The world around you disappears and a tiny voice whispers:

"Welcome to the Orchard, you are free to utilize the collective wisdom of my Lady, Mentor Silmariane, and her little sister Amalthia..but keep away from the tarts! Mistress does not take well to gluttons. I used to be a MoonMage!"

With a disgruntled 'mrrrp', the shadowling bounds into the surrounding darkness. A faint blue flame flickers above a decaying sana'ati trunk, upon which lie three large, dust-covered volumes...


Meet the Hooman behind the Elf!
