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~*Shadow Realm*~

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Well, it's Finals week. Whooppee. JOy. *sigh* I am going to fail everything!! I'm so worried about all of this...and I'm still so into anime and junk. It's so sad. I recently played Golden Sun. It's a great game. yup. Love a boring game. Hehe, sorry for my criticism, but I just didn't like it, because I wasn't into the anime in the first place. will I ever update this site??? I don't have time now, but to add some ranting..but I promise I will find time in the three day weekend pursuing this finals week to work on this site. I changed my mind again. I was going to start a whole new website, but I found that I had forgotten the passwords again. I always do. You know I do. So anyways, I found the password to this account and I'll just start over with this one. I wonder many people are going to remember this site..since I hadn't worked on it since 2 years or so ago. How fond memories are huh? Everything seems to have changed...When I look at this website, I realize how much has what seems like a short time... Oh, such nostalgia...T_T Well, it was nice spilling my guts out. I promise to work on this site when I have time. Well, you must be wondering what will be on it. It'll be related to anime and junk. I'll try not to be all hyper like most anime fan people are..but..just...enjoy it later on...k?


PS. I have to relearn html and crap. How in the world does this work??? *jabs a whole bunch of stuff in the hyphens* arrgghhhhhhhhh~ ><*

PPS. Yuck..these colors are sooo girlish!!!! ~o~;

Quick! Don't miss the Wedding Ceremony!!!!

The Wedding!


--Update:I finished the space part!

And one more thing. If you have a background and would like to add it to my growing collection, let me at it! Er, I mean, let me have a look at it, and it might appear somewhere in here...^_^;;; Okay, really, see you later!

Some Stuff i drew

Corny Jokes

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I made these...hehehe, they are dolls of my friends and me. Guess which one's me!!

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