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Azriel and Midnight - Poems by Azriel


The strugles seemed to last forever
Getting worse and getting better
And as the better finaly fell down
Your life ended not with a frown
And as for the last time we kissed
Just remember, you shall be missed.


We are the creatures of the night
Staring blankly upon the world's happiest faces
We are thee when the mother pulls her children closer
We are the, who walk in the shadows
Growing one by one,
Yet not suspected
We are the, your night mare keepers
We are the night,
We are goths!


In my head is a scary place
It is where i hide the human face
Colors mainly black and blue
Orange and white surrounding you
Death and blood
And gore in the mud
For in my head rain falls on the dead
Maybe one day people will see
Just how little they know about me.


The glass shattered along the floor
Blood in millions of little flea like spots
It is not what is happening now but what has happened
The screaming the yelling, not even a banchi could be heard
But now all is quiet
They lay dead now and forever.

Once Loved

The time has come to say goodbye
Death has come and he has a sigh,
He looks deep he looks dark into your eye,
The time has come to say goodbye,
To friends and family with a sigh
And look to them in the eye
And say goodbye
For death has said he shall see you in the nigh.

From Rich to Poor

Look down upon the lifeless faces oh graceful moon
Let them see the light which they are yet to see
For in life they did not see what was happening to those less fortunate,
The pain, suffer, terror, looking forward to the death,
Oh, but never forget the good times,
Drinking, smiking, partying, enjoying that which they knew would bring them closer to the end
So, oh, graceful moon let the rich see the poor,
And the poor see the rich for the eyes are the same
But the sights are different.


Hurt and pain by the world around,
But it is not my fault
Please do not take your past
Out on my heart

Shallow is your heart,
Shallow for it blames others,
Please be not that shallow to me,
My gentle ways, gentle heart is not there for your abuse.


How do my eyes open,
Without being able to look at you
How do days pass,
Without your gentle words
How do i live
Knowing not the next time we shall speak
What do my ears listen to
But the sound of your calm breath
How can i sleep
Without you by my side?

Hope you have enjoyed a bit of insanity.
It has been fun for me to put this up,
and i know my friend has been having fun too.
We continue to work on these sites,
and still have no clue as to what we are doing,
but i think we have done a fair enough job, for us.


kitty cats rule!
.....hehe ~_^

Hmmm... where to next?

something else i am trying...
something from a friend...
My little creation
another page of poems... in the making
