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Site Revision History
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02-21-00 - Added History of Three Walls and Interview with Baron Daibhre
02-13-00 - Added the SCA Web Ring graphics and code
02-02-00 - Added the Bolts from 1998 and 1999 (thanks Edward for the electronic copies!)

                  Added some pictures from Pennsic 26 (thanks Gilebert)
                  Added pictures from Northwoods 12th night (2000) (thanks Anisah)
                  Added pictures from Winter Revel (2000) (thanks Emmalie)
00-21-99 - Finished Bolts from 1988, added some officer listings based on Bolts,

                  added a few more pictures, updated Rimsholt and Andelcrag web links
                  Changed the graphic for the Rimsholt Arms to the new one from the Canton webpage,
                   much better looking one (thanks Garth).

99-12-30 - Updated the 1999 page with informtion from the 1999 Domesday
99-12-28 - Finished Bolts from the year 1989, added more verbage to main page, slight cleanup of pages
99-12-27 - Added even more pictures, mostly candid shots from Crown Tourney in 1999
                  and some of fight practice at Garth's in 1999
99-12-18 - Added more pictures of Pennsic War XXVI (thanks Gilebert!)
99-12-15 - Reviewed and corrected links resulting from move to xoom, removed counter
                  added date stamp to all pages, cleaned up some pages.

99-12-03 - Finished adding 1990, filled in some months of 1994 I was missing
                  added a bunch of new pictures (thanks Alessandra!)
                  Moved site to
99-11-14 - Finished years 1994-1997
                  added guestbook/counter/Midrealm Web Ring,
                  cleaned up and posted live version to the web.
99-10-26 - Pushed another test version to the web
99-10-16 - Pushed a very early version to the internet for testing
99-10-01 - Start of web page design
99-09-01 - I had this Idea

 Page last updated 02/02/00