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A Note on Awards
(By Brighid the Ageless as appeared in the March 1995 Bolt)

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A Note on Awards:

Her Majesties Court held at our recent Border War, has caused many of our new members to ask "What's that award for?, How do people get these awards?". The following is a list of awards and some information on how submissions work. (Special thanks to Mistress Mairin, Kingdom Seneschal, for the summary in the June Pale). I hope this answers some of the questions.

AoA - Award of Arms - Typically the first award given for the many kinds of service rendered or accomplishments displayed by an individual.

Purple Fret - Given for service beyond AoA level, generally at a local or regional level.

Dragon's Treasure - Given to a youth (typically 13 or under) for service or accomplishment. This award does not confer an award of arms.

Dragon's Barb - Given for service to or skill in archery.

Willow and Silver Oak - Given for accomplishment in an art (Willow) or a science (Silver Oak). In practice, the degree recognized by these awards varies greatly. The nominee's skill level ought to be in keeping with the fairly high precedence of the award and the nominee should use his skill to benefit others.

At this point let me stress that anyone can recommend anybody to Their Majesties, for any award, for any reason . Award submissions should be sent to those who have the accomplishments of others. This responsibility does not fall solely on officers but they should be mindful of those deserving individuals around them.

Letters of recommendation should be sent to Their Majesties. If it is nearing the end of a reign, you may wish to copy Their Highness's as well.

Be sure to include both the SCA and mundane name of the person you are recommending, which award you are suggesting and specific details of the person's accomplishments or skills. Also include your SCA name and titles, mundane name, address and telephone number.

Lastly, please remember, not all awards recommended are presented. DO NOT TELL SOMEONE THEY ARE BEING RECOMMENDED FOR AN AWARD. Sometimes it takes longer than expected to have an award presented. Feel free to resubmit the award to the next reigning King and Queen with an even longer list of accomplishments.

Should you have more questions on awards or submissions, feel free to call.


 Page last updated 12/15/99