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Review of the Second Midrealm Fencing Championship
(By Brighid the Ageless as appeared in the January 1995 Bolt)

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Review of the Second Midrealm Fencing Championship

For those that could not attend, the Midrealm Fencing Championship was held Saturday, December 17 in Peru, Indiana. Approximately 100 fencing enthusiasts from the far corners of the realm attended with 40 competing in the championship.

Each of the fencers began with a bout against His Royal Majesty Brannos and continued through double elimination. In the end William of Fairhaven was declared the winner.

William the Green was granted the singular honor of being named the King's Rapier Champion. Our own Benedict of Beverly was also named to the newly formed eight person "King's Rapier Guard".

In the course of the day a Melee demonstration was performed by Count Sir Jafar and a group of fencers. Lady Nan became the first person in the Middle kingdom to hold a full fencer authorization when she successfully completed schlager authorization. Baron Alfred also announced that as of January 1, 1995 dagger cuts will be legal in the Middle Kingdom.

The Championship was followed by a sumptuous feast highlighted by a huge castle cake prepared by Lord Abu Da'ud, the event;s feastocrat. The cake took an entire week to frost and included soldiers carrying shields painted with Midrealm arms. In all an excellent event.


 Page last updated 12/15/99