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Top Ten ways to tell a SCA Person in Mundane Life
(By Cynfyn ap Rhwallon as appeared in the August 1994 Bolt)

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Top Ten Ways to Tell a SCA Person in Mundane Life

  1. Their eyes glaze over when they see an ad for a big fabric store sale.

  2. They're taking a museum tour and when shown a 13th century sampler mutters softly, "I could do that". Then realizes it is primary documentation.

  3. Wanders flea markets hoping to some day find an anvil.

  4. Absently says "Many thanks milady" to the startled counter person at McDonald's

  5. Limps from practicing Scottish folk dancing.

  6. He/She's broke (always).

  7. They laugh hysterically while watching Errol Flynn films.

  8. They know 38 embroidery techniques and make their own cloth but still can't program their VCR.

  9. They're the ones with the "Beggars do it on their knees" bumber-sticker.

  10. Grins but says nothing when a trick-or-treater comes to the door wearing tinfoil armour (then gives the kid a double handful of candy).

by Cynfyn ap Rhwallon

 Page last updated 12/15/99