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Sorry to say but I moved all of my Ridge Home Pictures to The Colorado page. Click to see larger picture and a discription.

Ghost Pictures

These are ghostly pictures I have found and some I have taken others were submitted

The famous Toys R Us Ghost

This is an old lady. You have to click this to see it better

This is my son and my mom at a train museum

These next 3 are submitted by DarkWolf they are of a old hospital called Jefferson Davis Hospital. This is what he had to say "Remeber..this is the Jefferson Davis Hospital(The first one). There were 2 hospitals built under that same name. This is the Hotspot!!" Thanks DarkWolf!

This is Jefferson Davis when she was new. Thanks to Darkwolf we can see this beautiful place.

A ghost wanting to play

What is going on here?

A weird Picture if you ask me...

This is a weird one too

I just don't know what to say

Bachelor Grove

This is a car crash, no one was hurt though...

A picture taken in a cemetary

I just don't know what to say

There is a figure near the door

This appears to be a fallen ghost

Look over this man's shoulder There is a figure that wasn't there before the picture.

By the cannon there is a misty figure

Some of these I really don't know what to say about them

This one I really like...

This is the back to the last photo

This one has a lady knealing over and praying.

This lady in the black has no legs.

You can see a man sticking out of the plane...

There is a figure on the stairs.

There is a face in the smoke.

There is a figure what looks like he is leaning over the bannenester and going up the stairs.

This has a light over the glass windows.

I just don't know what to say

This is from a very nice guy who has been sending me some pictures. His name is Paul, thanks Paul! This is for the next three. This is what he had to say: The large monument of Ethan Allen taken in Burlington, VT @ Greenmount cemetery. Notice a dark image sitting to the left of the monument. The cross monument was taken at St. Joseph cemetery. One of many I took. Look at the sky in the background. The other cemetery picture was taken in Colchester Village Cemetery It appears that someone is standing with a robe there. Hope you enjoy them.

I got this photo from SensualFawn this is what she has said : It is of the New York Incident I took with my Digicam. You can see the Orbs Everywhere, there was alot of energy, sad energy. I was sick from it.

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