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Welcome To Release Me

Until Halloween
This is Dedicated

      This is dedicated to all of you viewing this site. I would like to hear all of your stories and locations and I would like to see all your pictures. I would like for others to hear what you have to tell. This site is just starting as you can tell I hope you will grow to like this site and have fun with it. I will share stories, pictures and locations with you as well. I want to dedicate this to my family for the support they have shown me for this site. I want to thank me dad for getting so excited about it and I would like to thank my mom for every thing she has shared with me about Ridge Home and life. I would like to thank my fiance for letting me get into the paranormal and not discourging it and kinda getting into my intreset as well. Oh I would also want to dedicate this site to my "Fear family" and I hope that they visit. This means you: Vampbansheelore (or what ever it was, haha), Knightgun, Sayianknight, Darkwolf, Vaempre, Clv7, who ever else I'm forgetting, sorry. I will share a story from one of them as well about the place I am shareing my story about. I will update this site as often as I can and if I get too far behind you can send me threating emails. Just playin don't.

What's going on here?

      Well if you are asking that question I have started to build a lot on to the site. I have had a few stories and stuff like that. I still am working on the states and getting info and pictures for each state. I have a few done and hope that you keep checking in to see what has changed. This site is always being updated. If your state has not been done yet and you would like it to Email Me and tell me your state and I will add it next on the list other wise I'll just finish the ones I have on the list and then start on them in order.

      I will be adding a poem and art page also for anyone to submit. There is a quote at the bottom that you can change by hitting the little title "Words of Wisdom" at the start of the quote. There is a message board below and a chat room. I doubt that the chat room will be used a whole lot but it is there. Anyone is welcome to use the message board and chat room I just ask that the "bad" language is kept to a minium and you show respect to everyone. I can delete your messages or kick you off. Please don't make me do it either. I believe in freedom of speech to the extent of respect. Thank you for taking the time to read this and applying to the few rules I have.

     I have worked very hard on this site for everyone to enjoy and hope that you like it! Welcome again now go look around!

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