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Alexandria Brown House

Originally owned Dr. W. Brown, American Surgeon General during the war for independence. Several ghosts have been seen in Revolutionary War dress.

Gadsby's Tavern

An unknown 23 year old woman died here in 1816. There are reports of candles blowing themselves out.

Robert E. Lee's Mansion

A small black dog and children have been reported in the house. It is also said that you can hear children's laughter and footsteps throughout the house.

Ramsay House

Built by William Ramsay in the early 1720's and moved to its current location in 1749. Reports of furniture moving, footsteps, doors opening and closing are only some of the events that have happened over the years.

Schaefer House

Laura Schaefer died on the first floor on her wedding day when her dress caught on fire. Reportedly you can hear her screaming at approx. 2 am.

Arlington Cemetery Arlington Mansion

This mansion was confiscated by the Feds after the Civil War. Children are heard playing in the morning room. Footsteps have been heard and candles blowing out have also been reported.

Castle Hill Ash Lawn

This historical cottage, once owned by President J. Monroe, is opened to the public. The rocking chair is said to move by itself.

Charles City County Berkeley Plantation

This Plantation is over 370 years old and has much history to tell. The cellar was once used as a prison for Confederate Soldiers. The song "Taps" was also composed here. Benjamin Harrison IV and his 2 daughters died here after being struck by lightening. There are also reports of hearing a baby crying, knocking, and footsteps. Another strange report is that of food being thrown in the dining room when no one is in the room.

Charlottesville Michie Tavern

This pre-Revolutionary War tavern has authentically been restored. There are reports of parties in the upper ballroom and sounds of duels in the yard.

Leesburg Ball's Bluff

On October 20th and 21st the Union troops were ambushed by the Confederates and almost 900 Union Soldiers were killed. There have been reports of screams in the cemetery nearby. A tree has also been reported to shake when there was no wind.

Manassas Old Town Inn

Miss Lucy supposedly haunts room 52, but can roam to either rooms 50 or 54. She is known for playing pranks on guests and employees.

Richmond Hollywood Cemetery

There are approximately 18,000 Confederate Soldiers buried here; 11,000 of their names are unknown. Many report hearing moaning and other sounds in the area.

Stafford/Fredericksburg Aquia Church

Around the end of construction in 1754, it was destroyed by fire. A young woman was murdered and found in the Belfry. It is said that blood stains remained visible until the floor was replaced over 100 years later! She reportedly is seen in the Belfry window.

Sweet Briar Sweet Briar College

This college was established in 1901 by Mrs. Williams, built on family lands, in memory of her daughter Daisy sho had died at the age of 16 in 1884. It seems that Mrs. Indie, as she is affectionately known, likes to keep an eye on things. Daisy is said to make her presence known as well.

Virginia Beach Jensen Hall

It was built for George Mason in 1755, some say he returns to his gardens to this day. There have also been reports of shadowy figures and strange noises.

Adam Thorough Good House

It is said that this is the oldest existing brick building in the USA. Witnesses report windows opening and closing, objects moving on their own and a small man in a brown suit has been seen.

Warrenton Edgehill

House was built in the 1840's and is haunted by Colonel W. Chapman. He's responsible for loud noises at night, and unlocking doors.

Old Gaol

Now a museum, this old jailhouse was home for many prisoners. An old man has been reportedly seen in one of the cells.

Williamsburg Gaol

This old jail is haunted by 2 women. They have been heard having a conversation on the second floor. Also heavy shoes have been heard walking.

Hangman's Road

In 1719, over a dozen convicted pirates were hanged. They were supposedly part of Black beard's gang. Moaning and the creaking of wagon wheels can be heard at night.

Peyton Randolph House

Many have reported seeing a young black man and woman, footsteps and glasses breaking.

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