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North Carolina

Culpepper Ruins

A couple is seen dancing in what appears to be their wedding clothes. A few weeks after they were married the wife died of scarlet fever.

Andrew Johnson's Home

A candle appears in the single downstairs window.

Mordecai Manor

Built in 1785, this manor is supposedly haunted by a woman with black hair. Her apparition has been seen numerous times.

Roan Mountain Ghostly Choir

The sound of what some believe are "singing angels" has been heard, after a thunderstorm. The singing continues to grows louder until it reaches a crescendo.

Reed House

the sounds of pool being played can be heard.

Hammock House

balls of light and blood stains that can't be washed away are observed here.

Founders College

Founders Hall is haunted by a girl whose corpse was sold to the medical school here.

Slocumb House

A young woman in black appears on the steps here.

Dromgoole's Castle

There's a legend regarding this strange house not too far from the campus of The University of North Carolina. A man who was in love with a young woman discovered she was in love with a friend of his, so hey had a pistol duel at his house and he was mortally wounded. In his dying moments, he fell on a flat rock that is now stained with his blood to this very day. Student have reported his sad ghost agonizing cries from his fatal wound as well as his girlfriend who died not long after his untimely death.

Jamestown Bridge

On stormy, foggy nights the spirit of a a young girl in a prom dress is seen standing under the bridge as you pass it. The girl was killed in a car crash on the way from her prom and is still trying to get a ride home but when picked up she always vanishes before reaching her destination.

Grove Park Inn

There is a lady dressed in pink that haunts this Inn. You can see her and here her late at night. Several guests and employees have had several encounters with her. She is said to be the wife of the famous writer Fitzgerald. You can usually here doors slamming, laughter, and talking from rooms that are not used. She was said to have fallen from one of the windows and died.

South Caldwell High School

has two ghosts. One is from a guy who was building the elevator and he fell. The elevator goes up and down late at night when the accident happened. The elevator opens and closes and goes up and down for or five times at night. Also the theater has a ghost that was a student but she died when she was rehearsing for a play. Now before opening night of any play she causes allot of mischief with the set, lights, and props. She has caused allot of black outs and such right before opening night.

Linville Gorge

lights have mysteriously appeared for years... There are two legends associated with these lights, one is they are the spirit of an Indian maiden who is in search of her brave that never returned from battle... the other is it is the spirit of a faithful slave who is in search of his master who was accidentally wounded while hunting ....whatever they are, they appear nightly in the gorge,with no set pattern ,they weave in and out of the trees until they reach the edge of the river, then they disappear only to reappear in another spot. They are known as the Brown Mountain lights.

Old Maco Station

the ghost of a conductor named Joe Baldwin is said to haunt the Old Maco Station after getting run over by a train on the night of 1867. People say very time at night a train pulls in Maco Station you can see a figure of a man with a lantern in his hand swing it to make the train stop.

Railroad tracks

There is this ghost that has been there since 1700's, .its called the Vander Light. Its a ghost that got killed when was on a train and he went out on the train to smoke a cigarette and the train slammed on brakes and he fell off and it cut his head off and ever since that every time you go down to the railroad tracks there is a lantern and its a ghost looking for his head and if you walk up the tracks and try to get close to it it will disappear and when you turn around its behind you again.

Court House

In the evening and at night voices, laughter, whistling, and footsteps can be heard upstairs in the old jail area.

The Biltmore Estate

is said to be haunted by a lady in black employees report hearing footsteps on the second floor.

Heartbeat Bridge

This bridge was named Heartbeat Bridge because years ago a murdered woman's heart was thrown into the swamp at the bridge and sounds of a beating heart can be heard there. loud screeching noise then a pop can be heard too.

Old Tram Road

while traveling this road have seen what appeared to be taillights in the distance. They would disappear and headlight s would show up. The car was translucent and no driver was present. . The ghost car will chase you to the end of the road, where a church stands and the light just disappear.

Oak Grove

during the time of the revolutionary war a tavern was located at a crossroads' now the intersection of Oak Grove and Stoney Point roads, the legend is that a British soldier carrying stolen plans was in route to warn the British as he stopped at the tavern for a rest he was identified as a Brit and killed by the inn keeper, and on moonlit nights you can see him at the crossroads, he always looks confused, as you try to approach he dissappears.

Ocracoke Inlet near the Pamlico Sound

There is one ghost by the name of Edward Teach, also known as Blackbeard the pirate. The type of activity are usually phantom and ghost light, His demeanor is very violent so proceed with caution when going to the Ocracoke Islands.

Helens' Bridge

When the Zalandia Castle caught fire, a woman named Helen lost her only child. A daughter. Helen was so crushed by the loss she hung herself from the bridge right down the road from the castle. On Halloween night go to the bridge and try to conjure Helen. If she is sucessfully called, you car will mess up in some way that you can't get down the mountain.

The Old Court House Theater

The theater used to be in the old court house but it was moved to an old church. The ghost there is called the "Deacon" he basically moves things around.

Old Bluff Chruch

In about the 1820's on a Halloween day this church was having sermon and the preacher flipped out and killed every one in there and now if you go to the church and you read the big stone memorial and walk up to the doors and read the sign and do what it tells you to than you will see a man holding a lantern and he will wave you on.

Jackson Building

You can see a face in one of the top windows, thought to be the face of a man who committed suicide after loosing everything during the great depression.


It is said to be haunted by a servant when the building was home to Dr. Samuel Westray Battle. The ghost's name is Alice and is said to walk around the building and play with the TV equipment. She is said to be also the Pink Lady, because The Battle mansion is next to the Grove Park Inn, and she has been seen walking over to the Inn.


There is a area called dolly field and no one lives up there and if you go up there at night this man name Larry that use to live up there in a old house but died some years back will come after you with his tractor some people have been chase by this man.


A women is supposed to haunt Pleasant Gardens Baptist church. Students who attended Pleasant Gardens Elementary school have reported a women dressed in pink walking down the road with a knife the following day after someone put pink flowers on her grave.


It is told, that on dark summer nights, a light will travel, down the railroad tracks, and it appears, to be like a lantern, the story goes that a local man, lost his head, after being in a drunk state, was killed by the train, it is said that, he searches for his lost head. Many locales claim to have see the light, and claims it chases them, it is said that if, the light catches you, you could die!

Fort Macon

There is said to believe that civil war ghosts haunt the top of the fort and watch for the union soldiers to attack. And there has been accounts on which during World War 2 the main gate was closed on it own while the guards were keeping watch on the place

School for the Deaf-Main Building

There is a woman who killed in about 1850-1900. She always walk thought longest hall and stopped and looked at mirror and brushed her long hair if students saw her she will disappear quickly...she wear very white dress and her hair is light red/brown…


There is an old baby orphanage that was burned down by the woman that owned the place. They say you can hear the children crying and laughing on the swings that still stand charred and broken, and at the gate stands a man with a hood, something like the gatekeeper.

The Devil's Tramping Ground

It is a patch of land in a perfect circle- 40 feet across, the perimeter of which is a path about a foot wide. It's said that the devil himself walks that path every night pacing as he spins his evil deeds, no one has ever been able to spend the night there, and nothing will grow on the path, it is said that anything placed in the circle will disappear by the next morning.

Rural Hall

There is local legend about a man who killed his family, it is said that he haunts the area and once you leave he haunts your dreams. Also an early 1930's type car has been seen by a few people but once off of Payne Rd. the car disappears.

Devil Stairs

On certain nights around 12:00 a young woman can be seen walking up and down the road. She has on a prom dress. The old folks will tell you she'll open the car door and get in, and down the road she'll get back out.

Gravity Hill

It was once said that a woman and her kid and dog were killed when their car stalled and an 18-wheeler came by and hit them instantly. And from that day on, if you park at the bottom of the hill and cut your car off, she is known to push you back up the hill out of harms ways.

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