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The Old Tavern

This old tavern, turned fine restaurant, is reportedly haunted. Reported phenomenon includes disembodied voices and unexplainable noises.

Branson Inspiration Point

Since 1964, there have been numerous reports of a phantom Confederate soldier. He is said to make an appearance every time a play involving the portrayal of the Baldknobbers, pro-Union vigilante group, is reenacted.

Grand Avenue B&B

There have been reports of a ghost man who likes to smoke cigars in the parlor and dining room.

Rock Bridge State Park

Devil's Icebox Cave gives many an uneasy feeling. An 'evil-looking' glowing apparition has been seen. Several people have died in freak accidents when going in this cave.

Lilac Hall

All paranormal activity started in 1977. The last owner, 'Miss Minnie', only appears to children. A vacuum can be heard in the living room and a chain dragging upstairs are a few things that can be heard here.

1859 Jail, Marshall's House & Museum

There have been reports of the "shadow" of a man, disembodied voices and general feelings of unease in particular areas of this museum.

Joplin The Hornet Spook light

Since 1866 there have been literally thousands of reports of a ghostly ball of light that bobs and weaves down the road. The light is said to be as large as a basketball (or larger) and is said to resemble a lantern light.

University of Missouri

The playhouse is haunted by a female ghost. Her footsteps can be heard throughout the house, and many people can supposedly feel her presence.

Sauer Castle

Built in 1871, there have been numerous reporting of apparitions by former residents.

The Savoy Hotel

This hotel is said to house two resident ghosts and reported phenomenon includes doors that open and close on their own, footsteps and electrical appliances that malfunction for no known reason.

The Goldenrod Showboat

This historic paddle boat, turned theater, is reportedly haunted by a lady in a red dress. Other phenomenon includes things that move on their own and doors that slam on their own.

Lindenwood University

Some say this college is haunted by it's founder, Mrs. Sibley. Supposedly her ghost likes to keep an eye on things and there have been reported sightings of her apparition, as well as mysterious knockings and ghostly music.

Lemp Mansion

This former private residence is now a restaurant. This house was the site of 4 suicides between 1904 and 1949. Staring eyes, slamming doors, water pitchers swirl around by themselves, and music by the piano is heard when no one is there.

Payne-Gentry House

23 ghosts at last count inhabit this building.

Old Jackson County Jail

sounds, cold spots foot steps are observed here.

Edgewood Children's Center

ghost of a 10 year old girl is seen floating near a tree here.

Mom's Restaurant

Over the years, customers and employees have felt strange drafts of cold air, plates have "jumped" from shelves, and furniture and other objects have been found tipped over or placed upside down. There have been occasional reports of an apparition of a young woman, and the ghost is known to the townspeople as "The Lady in White."

Fulton Community Hospital

The girls in lab says there is a ghost that walks the hall by surgery. Also smells of sweat in areas were there are no people.

Cottey College

is haunted by 2 ghosts: (1) Vera: a student from long ago that was making candy in Rosemary Hall when her nightgown caught fire, and resulted in burning down the hall. Now she haunts the entire college, comforting some girls and tricking others (2) a man in black (or a black man) that haunts the college from slavery days, as the story goes, possibly looking for Vera.

Lonesome Hill Graveyard

Blue mists coming out of the woods following you.

Stephens College

Senior Hall, A young lady watched her Confederate soldier lover that she was hiding be discovered and killed. She hung herself in the bell tower of her dorm and haunts it today, searching for her lost love.

The St. Joseph School District offices

are reported to be haunted. Doors open and close by themselves.

Cuba Middle School gym

A ghost supposedly by the name of "Joe Beisly" haunts our school. He was a very loyal janitor and he fell off a ladder and now people say that if you call his name 3 times he will appear.

Northwest Missouri state University Roberta Hall

has been haunted by the same ghost, Roberta Steel for nearly 40 years.

Dark Hollow Road

Between the towns of Ham's Prarrie and Fulton in Missouri, is one of the more notorious haunted areas in Mid-Missouri. Many odd shapes and strange flashing lights can be seen moving across the road as well as in the trees along both sides.

Heartland Health Care Center

Some former residents that have passed on come back on nights that another resident passes on. Sometimes they can be heard and shadows seen.

Zombie Road

In the mid 1980's a man was walking along the railroad tracks from one town to another when he was hit by a train. From time to time people see the man walking by the tracks and being hit.

Spanish Fort Cemetery

Has had a lot of activity. Glowing red lights have been seen floating in the cemetery.

Lees Cemetery

A ghost truck has been seen chasing people from the graveyard. The truck speeds at the cars getting right up on the bumper then is just gone as if it were never there. Strange sounds have been heard in the cemetery as well as a fog that is there one minute and gone the next.

Our Lady Of Sarrows School

My friend worked at the school as janitor. 1 person got killed in a fire. He would be in a room and doors would closed, hear footsteps when he is the only one in there. Had radio on and turned off by it self. Desl fell over in the room while he was cleaning.

Cape Girardeau

The Rose Theatre on Southeast Missouri State's campus is haunted by the jilted wife of a French trader who murdered him on the grounds before the theatre was built. "Mary" (as we fondly referred to her) is very temperamental and causes mischief whenever a play with a violent theme is produced. There has also been an old man seen sitting in the house when the theatre is empty as well as an unexplainable, un-removable bloodstain on the concrete in the house.

Powell Symphony Hall & the Sheldon Concert Hall And the Loretto-Hilton Theater (on the campus of Webster University in Webster Groves)

The Powell ghost (dubbed "George" by stagehands) makes noises, plays with the lights and elevator, and is sometimes seen as a man in a white suit and white hat. He is thought to be a former vaudevillian. The Sheldon is thought to be haunted by its architect, who died before the place was finished; he also plays with the lights, has been known to change the levels on sound equipment, and makes strange noises. Sometimes he plays with the lights even during performances. The Loretto-Hilton is haunted by a tech guy who died there; he once saved someone who had leaned too far over the edge of a catwalk: the man was falling, and then felt someone pull him back -- only no one else was there.

Ozark High School Stage At the Ozark High School

the stage used for musicals and plays is supposed to be haunted by a student who longed to be in a production. The director never cast him and the boy told the director that one day he would be on stage. He later moved from the district and later died in a car wreck. They say about a week before a production things are misplaced and missing but he never disturbs anything the nights of the production


This town consists of an old jail, post office, and a one-room church and many ran down houses. It was said that a plague wiped everyone out and their souls still exist there. Everything else is destroyed, except the church. You can also hear the voices of children still playing.

Knob Noster

The traveler of Knob, during a stormy night, on the Knob there can be seen a ghostly light that seems to travel up and down the bluff. It spawns from and old legend of a hermit that lived on the Knob, who was struck by lightning carrying a lantern. Its said that he still roams the hill.

Horton/Oklahoma State Line

The spook light is seen by thousands of people a year and has been unexplained for over 100 years.

The Missouri Theater

This theater is haunted by the ghost of the former owner, who makes clanking noises and the curtains have been known to rise and fall without prompting.


In northeast Missouri there are train tracks that are haunted by a headless woman that died in a train wreck many years ago. At least every night she appears around 11:00 pm every night in the tunnel below the tracks.

St. Boniface Cemetery

People have claimed that late at night they have gone to the cemetery and heard voices and seen figures roaming the grounds.


An unknown person's tombstone mysteriously glows at night for no reason. Several have claimed it is a long lost soldier.

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