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The Rest of Dakota's Story

      With this knowledge we continued and my hesitation grew. As we passed the Asylum there were hundreds of people in the windows screaming and rambling incoherently. They were banging on the windows and throwing themselves against them. Well, in the middle of the building on the 2nd floor there was one person just staring blankly at me, watching as the car passed. I experienced exactly what my girlfriend's sister had said. I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could. I felt very light headed and disorientated. Not to mention I was blankly staring back at the man staring at me. As we left the area to head back home, my girlfriend's son asked why the one man was staring at us. Later that night while the 3 of us were talking about it, my girlfriend told me exactly what I had seen down to the details. I didn't put all the details here in this story because of the length. All of this would have been fine if it weren't for the fact that the Asylum hadn't been occupied in over 20 years.

      When we got back home to Detroit, strange things started happening between my girlfriend and I. She was acting weird and I didn't know what was wrong until I remembered the Asylum. She was acting the opposite of what she had been over the time I had been dating her and she tried to not only kill herself, but a car full of people at one point too. That was just not like her. Since then she left me and finally I was able to persuade her to see a priest. She did and she is better now. Not to mention back with me. hehe. So that is my story.
