The Realm Of Thought

A Little About Myself

Name: Adrian
Nicknames: Saggi, DarkLight
Age: 21
Sex: Male (duh?)
Race: Does it matter?
Religion: Atheism

The Reason

Well, now that the introductions are out of the way, let's get to the meat. =)

I originally had no intention of starting a home page, but then I was inspired by a lot of my friends who had home pages, and here I am. It seems to me that this is the logical next step in my online life. Yes, if you surf on the net long enough, you, too, will eventually desire to start a homepage of your own. It is inevitable, I suppose. One might even say that it was a rite of passage. =)

The Focus

The themes of this site are atheism, the non-existence of god and why I believe God does not exist. Remember: I bear no ill-will towards any theist, but I do find those people who go around trying to force their beliefs on people extremely hateful. And the way I like to deal with them is with a little bit of humour, hence this site.

Atheism? What The Fuck Is It?

Well, let's first define atheism, shall we? Atheism can be classified into two broad categories, namely strong atheism and weak atheism.
Strong atheism:
Strong atheists flat-out deny the existence of gods and the supernatural. They conclusively state that gods and the supernatural do not exist and rule out the possibility of their existence altogether.
Weak atheism:
Weak atheists maintain that there is insufficient evidence to justify believing in the existence of gods and the supernatural. However, a weak atheist does not completely rule out the possibility of their existence.
As can be seen, there is a very thin and blurred line separating the weak atheist from an agnostic. To me, the difference is that agnostics lean more towards the believe that gods do exist. They're just not sure which ones are real and which ones aren't. (they're not sure which religion is right)

Weak atheists, on the other hand, based on the evidence available to them, do not give credence to the idea of gods existing, but they're open to new proof. I am a weak atheist. =)

Interesting Pagan Shit

"A proof that the Judeo-Christian God cannot exist."

"The War On Faith" Warning: Contains strong language.

"The Pagan Bible" Warning: Contains strong language.

"Chick Tract Parodies"

A parable by the Reverend Jim Huber.

And finally, to all those who get offended easily and have any complaints whatsoever to register, look below.


If you have any comments, why not mail me?