A maypole, crowned with flowers and hung with multicolored ribbons, is set up in an outdoor clearing.
Fruits, flowers, round breads, cookies, and doughnuts are hung fro bushes and tree branches.
A fire is built in the South, well within the boundaries of the circle.

Gather, and breathe together. The Priestess says:
"This is the time when sweet desire weds wild delight.
The Maiden of Spring and the Lord of the Waxing Year meet in the greening fields
and rejoice together under the warm sun. The shaft of life is twined in a spiral web
and all of nature is renewed. We meet in the time of flowering, to dance the dance of life."

Purify, cast the circle, and invoke the God and Goddess.
One by one, each covener chooses a ribbon of the appropriate color, saying aloud what it is for:
"I choose the read of blood, for my health."
"I choose the sky-blue, for flights of imagination."
"I Choose green, for growth." (Etc.)

The music begins (if you don't have a musician in the coven, teach the group a simple folk tune they can all sing together).
Coveners dance the Maypole dance, weaving in and out, concentrating on weaving what they have chosen into their lives.
As the ribbons wind tighter, the power grows, until it becomesa wordless cone of Power.
When the cone is released, coveners may continue dancing, and leap over the bonfire, calling out loudly their particular wish each time they leap.
Jumping the flames is an act of purification and brings luck. Lover can leap the bonfire together, to cleanse their relationship of petty disharmonies.
Those who want to get rid of something - insecurity, for example - can jump, calling out, "I leave my insecurity in the flames!"

When the excitement dies down, raise a quieter, more solemn cone for healing, for members, or for friends not present. Bless cakes and drink, and open the circle.

Feast on the fruits and food that have been hung in the trees.
From "Spiral Dance" by Starhawk

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