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The False Doctrine of Total Depravity

The False Doctrine of Total Depravity

On this page you will find links to many articles pertaining to the Calvinist doctrine. First you will find a set of links demonstrating their doctrine is false. And secondly, another set of links illustrating the ways Calvinists misinterpret some passages to make their claims for this particular doctrine.

Many articles to come.......

Proofs of the Calvinist Error

Acts 14:17 - God testified to and filled your pagan hearts with joy
Acts 17:28 - In God all men everywhere live and move and have their being
Romans 2:14-16 - Unregenerate Gentiles doing the law

Were Old Testament Jews born again?
The NEW Covenant in his blood- Washing sins away in his blood was something new
Matthew 1:21- For he will save his people from their sins
Matthew 3:2- Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
John 4:23-24- Worshipers must now worship in Spirit and truth
John 7:39- The Spirit was not yet
Acts 2:38-39- This promise is for you and your children
Acts 3:26- Christ was sent to you Jews first
Acts 5:31- Repentance granted to Israel
Romans 3:21- But NOW a righteousness of God is manifested.
Romans 6:14- No longer under Law but under Grace
Romans 7:6- The new way of the Spirit
Romans 7:14-8:4- There is NOW no condemnation
2 Corinthians 3:3-8- Death under the Law to New Life in the Spirit
Galatians 2:21- Either the Law or Christ
Galatians 3:3-5- The Law is not of the Spirit but of the flesh
Galatians 3:13- Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law
Galatians 3:19-4:6- From the Law to now in Christ
Galatians 3:28- There is neither Jew nor Greek in Christ
Galatians 4-5:1- The Law is bondage; Christ is freedom
Galatians 5:18- If you are led by the Spirit you are not under law
Titus 3:4-7- WHEN he appeared he saved us
Hebrews 9- If the Law, then how much more Christ!
Hebrews 10:19-20- A new and living way
1 Peter 1:3- New birth through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
1 Peter 2:11- Were not a people of God and did not have mercy
The Erroneous Calvinist Concept of Man

Is Circumcision of the heart the same thing as new birth regeneration?
How were Old Testament people saved?
Was Saul born again too?
When was Cornelius born again?
Law to Christ in Paul's writings
2 Corinthians 13:5 - Examine yourselves.