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You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.


Quick Facts:


Full Name is Blessed Trinity Catholic High School.  Full initials almost spell out an obscene word (BTCHS), which is why they shorten it to BT.


Our mascot would have been a Moose, if the administration had any respect for the democratic process.  Despite being the popular candidate, Moose did not even appear on the ballot for the vote.  So now we’re the Titans.  Odd that a Catholic school should have a pagan mascot.


Opened 2000-2001 school year.  We had almost 3% of the student body expelled that year. No one can keep track of how many have been kicked out since then.


We have both a Jack Daniels and a Johnnie Walker. 


We do have uniforms (if the school is so worried about fornication, they should have never put the girls in skirts.  It only makes it easier).


Most watched video in classrooms:  Jesus Christ Superstar.  Runner-up: That “Caesar must have been a very sexy man” tape.




Various unofficial school maxims:

“Because we’re just that desperate to impress no one in particular!”  --BT’s motto.


“Why strive for excellence when adequacy is good enough?” --Student creed.


“To err is human. To forgive is not our policy.”  --Student handbook regarding the discipline procedure.


“No provocative clothing, including but not limited to: shorts, short skirts, short shirts, tight shirts, sheer shirts, low-cut shirts, low-ride pants, tight pants, baggy pants.  No inappropriate footwear, including but not limited to: open-heel shoes, open-toe shoes, sandals, beach shoes, flip-flops.  Further unsuitable attire includes clothing with advertisements, brand names, or anything fashionable whatsoever.”  --Out of uniform dress code



Lots of excellent quotes from various classes:



Nick:  “Dimensional analysis is like the circle of life!”

Mike: “Nobody tell her we got smart.  Play dumb.”

Ms. McDaniel (regarding a side conversation about beer):  “I don’t like where this conversation is going.” 

Mike:  “We’re in Chemistry Honors.  You should have known we’re all a bunch of drunks.”

Max (regarding how painful paintball can be):  Pain is just the effect of weakness leaving the body!”

Waldman’s (accidental) Law of Conservation: Math can neither be created nor destroyed.

Max: “Funny, the only thing Chemistry Honors class is missing is the honor.”

Max (after Roberto walks in):  “Is it hot in here or is it just Roberto?”

Ms. McDaniel (when beginning thermochemisty unit):  “When I say ‘calorie’, what do you think of?” 

All the girls: “Fat.”

Kristen: “Nice story.  Now tell it backwards.”

Whitney: “I got sunburned on just one side of my face.”

Kristen: “That sounds like a personal problem to me.”

Allison:  “We just finished watching Jesus of Nazareth in Religion last period.  I so predicted that ending.”

Whitney:  “Your hair looks kinky today Kristen.”

John:  “I don’t think kinky means what you think it means.”

Lauren: “Inconceivable!”

Me:  “Chemistry class is hell, but actual fire’s not allowed, so she’s torturing us slowly by sublimation.”



CPR/First Aid

Coach K: “So what are some clues that might indicate an emergency here at school?”

Ed: “Blood dripping from the ceiling.”



Mr. Findlay:  “What’s Chow Mein, Will?”   

Will: “Dog food?”

Mr. Findlay:  “There’s a scene in this movie where they show some S&M and Stalin’s butt for a few seconds.  It’s educational.  You’ll like it.”

Mr. Findlay:  “The KGB would drag you out in the cold and shoot you and leave your body in the snow and ice to be found 300 years later as some Secret Agent Conspirator Man.” 



Jack: “Did you see Planet of the Apes?  Wasn’t it just like Spartacus?”

Ms. Belmonte:  “Pygmalion was rich, handsome, intelligent, and quiet when his Latin teacher was speaking.”

Mike: “Please don’t make us do no more grammar.”

Eric: “As you can see, the earth could easily fit in just one side of Walsh’s nose.”

Mike:  “Pollen.  I hate pollen.  Tree sperm!”

??: “Vergil was a poet and he didn’t know it.  Or he might have suspected.”

??:  Squid pro quo.”



Sandy:  “I’m going to slowly verbally stone you.”

Mr. Kiefer:  “You’re annoying the hell out of me.”  

Jacob: “But isn’t that a good thing?”

Sandy:  “I used to get beaten by the Sisters of Mercy.”

Mr. Odish:  “There are two types of evil…”

Josh:  “Good and bad?”



Seen on the board after tests were returned: 

“1st period test grades: 

  Everyone: 95+

  J. Domville:  62”



Jacob:  “I don’t wear boxers.  I wear panties.”



Mrs. Dever in the hallway:  “You look like you’re having too much fun.  You know that’s not allowed here.”

Natasha:  “But you don’t feel hot.”

Me:  “Well maybe I’m endothermic.  Did anyone ever think of that!?”

Me:  “You’re not the one that has to deal with the crushing reality of out-of-uniform day!”





Preoccupied since 1986.

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