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Linky Linky Linkies!
Fic Page
Before and after pics ;)
Poll Page
Holy Hall Of Nummyness!

Well, lets start off with who I am....good question, who am I?? lol, ok, my internet name is Tess (and Tessywessybessy to those who are insane, most people there then) Why did I create this site?? look above, I've already told you! :þ Well I hope you enjoy this site (and dont moan about it!) I will get it up and running properly, I promise! *cough* Well...I'll stop rambling now and start creating a web site for you lot to look at!

Errrr, well, I have given up the idea of creating a picture page, because, well, I can't make one as good as I would like (I dont have the pics or the knowledge!)so, I'm going to change around my whole banner/links pages, into different catagories! Just to annoy you of course.

This site is for more than just Buffy and Angel, I'm also a HUGE fan of Stargate (especiall Michael Shanks ;)) and so I'll be adding some more fic, Stargate,and I'll try to get some Angel and Buffy fic! (I think I'll have to ask my friend very nicely for that!)


* * * *Coming Soon* * * *

Non-Zero Possibility-the next wolvie fic

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