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Unit Designations

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September 11

Unit Designations

(LAPD almost always uses just the letters)

A- Adam- a unit, usually two people in a car

X- X-ray- Extra car in addition to the Adam car

L- Lone Officer

W- Detectives

F- Fingerprint Car

Z- Special Assignment Car

Q- Queen- Specialized Car

FB- Foot Beat Car (cops on foot have to drive to their location)

Each unit name uses one of these or other designations and is followed by a number that has been assigned to the geographical area that the unit will patrol.

For example, one unit may be called 3-A-41. 3 means the division designated as 3. A/Adam unit usually means a two-man car. 41 is the number assigned to the geographical area*. Usually units that are part of the day watch, morning watch or p.m. watch (normal watches) will receive an odd number, and units patrolling the mid-morning and mid-p.m. watches (split watches) will receive an even number.

*In LA, there are four patrol bureaus: South Bureau, Valley Bureau, West Bureau and Central Bureau. Each bureau contains divisions, and each division contains geographical areas. Generally, each geographical area will have one A/Adam unit assigned to it.

Code 1 Dispatcher has already requested that the unit call-in and has received no response. Code 1 is used to get the unit's attention when they do not respond to normal radio traffic. For example, the dispatcher will say, "3-A-41, please call in." If she receives no answer after a few attempts, she will say, "3-A-41, Code 1" in order to get the unit's attention.

Code 2 Priority service call for a unit (Sirens and lights not allowed)

Code 3 Highest Priority service call. Unit authorized to drive with lights and sirens

Code 4 Everything is OK

Code 5 Stakeout Detail. Eg. There is a Code 5 in (location)

Code 6 Investigation Activity. Use: Code 6- Location

Code 7 Lunch time

Code 8 Fire Alarm

Code 10 Seeking a criminal record. Use: Code 10-Suspect’s Name-Suspect’s Description

Code 12 False Alarm- Officers responding to alarm call found no evidence of burglary

Code 20 Newsworthy Event (eg. Homicide, major case, rape, robbery)

Code 30 Alarm Call/Burglary alarm (not car alarm)

Code 37 Stolen Vehicle

Code 100 Notifying dispatcher of being in a temporary surveillance location (eg. If police are pursuing a suspect, a unit that anticipates the suspect is approaching them will tell the dispatcher that they are Code 100)

Crime Designations

Below numbers are based on penal code Crime

211 Robbery

311 Indecent Exposure

390 Drunk Disorderly behavior

415 Disturbance

459 Burglary

484 Theft

502 Drunk Driver

507 Minor Disturbance (eg. Car alarm/loud stereo)

Roger- Message received
