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An hopefully useful gathering of all things dedicated to the band Placebo, obviously found on the net. Feel free to send me more links by using the form at the bottom. Actually that would be helping me out a lot *G* This website is constantly gonna be updated. So make sure to come back frequently. Any type of feedback would be very much appreciated too :) ... sign my guestbook? *hint hint* ;)

The links are listed under alphabetical order. At least for now. Heh.

... last updated on: October 11th, 2001 ...


interviews | Bionic club | lyrics | live | discography | band | curiosities | pics | links | news | chatroom

Bitter Pill
online forum

blister - a rather unofficial Placebo site
hang on to your IQ: tasty tidbits for the post-post modern fan... | eyesight to the blind: Placebo visuals: video stills, Velvet Goldmine, live and backstage, published (+enhanced) | sing for your lover: audio: remixes, selected b-sides, interviews, live, Los Conciertos de Radio 3 | sucker love: self-indulgent fanfare...: comic strips 'The Molkonatrix!', memorabilia and artwork, quiz | ask for answers: links

Brian Molko >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
pics | lyrics | news | chat

Brian Molko -Placebo *My Sweet Prince Without You I'm Nothing* >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
Placebo bio | band members | discography | lyrics | Brian pictures | art gallery | skins | links

Brian Molko LoveR >> added: Sept. 9, 2001

Brian Molko Shrine >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
gallery | live | s/w gallery | Placebo | disco | video | audio | tour | news | presse | links
news: site news, music news | discography & lyrics: discography, song lyrics | gallery: pics of Brian, pics of Stefan, pics of Steven, pics of Placebo | fans & look-a-likes: look-a-likes, fans & links to other sites | tour & media: on tour, media articles, quotes | contact Placebo: contact Placebo | communicate: forum, chat, free email, send us stuff

Bruise Pristine...Serene
biographies | the gallery | lyrics | links | tour dates

BSH, The - official website
news | tour dates | tv and radio | band info | discography | lyrics | articles & reviews | communication | guitar tab | audio & visual | images | merchandise | greeting cards | desktop items | fan club | unofficial faq | quiz | contacts - links | irc chat


Careenin'- a quick and dirty Placebo site... >> added: Sept. 2, 2001
fan fiction | screensavers | themes | wallpapers | wavs | links

Closedmolko >> added: Oct. 11, 2001
(personal homepage)

Come Home
info | lyrics: Placebo, Without You I'm Nothing, Black Market Music, b-sides & covers | sounds: live, b-sides & covers, not complete | links


Death Drug: Placebo
gallery | links


Eternal Soul
pics | lyrics | chat | quiz | games | review | albums | links | lookalike

Eyeholes in a Paper Bag
band news | pics | audio | lyrics | quotes | links


Flesh Mechanic
members: Brian, Steve, Stefan | lyrics: Placebo, Without You I'm Nothing, Black Market Music, b-sides | audio: mp3 files | pics: Brian, Steve, Stefan, group | reviews: music, gigs | magazine: articles, interviews | interactive: chat, message board, fan club | links: Placebo sites, non-related sites

Forum Placebo Fan >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
profil | s'inscrire | membres | f.a.q. | chercher | accueil


pictures | sounds | band info | discography | articles | video & interview clips | lyrics | fan directory | buy Placebo stuff | favorite song poll | survey | chat | add your own link | greeting cards | award | quiz | message board | | sounds


band info | lyrics | pics of Brian, the band, Steve, Stefan | links | history | lookalikes

Happily Bleeding

HermAphrodite - Placebo Photo Gallery >> added: Sept. 9, 2001

HermAphrodite - Placebo Press Conference >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
interview taken from HermAphrodite #6

Hug Bubble
rants page | quotes | links | pictures, more pics, even more, and yet more, and still more, piccies


I Know
news | discography | gallery | fanstuff (draws and fics) | Placebo & other links | cliques | trade | question of the month | adoptions | song introductions

I Love Brian Molko >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
picture gallery | lyrics | links | awards

Instead of Stressed I Lie Here Charmed
band members biographies | pictures of Brian Molko, Stefan Olsdal, Steven Hewitt, Placebo, video captures & live | tour dates | lyrics of Placebo, Without You I'm Nothing, b-sides & Black Market Music | album covers & song lists | links to the videos from the BHS | awards | cliques

Introverted Kind of Soul, The
members | bio | discography | lyrics | sounds | videos | pictures | interviews | survey | chat | message board | links


links | pictures of Stefan, Steve, Brian, group, Brian wasted, old Placebo |Placebo at Big Day Out


lipstick trace
news | information | pictures | tour dates | discography | lyrics | quotes | message board | links | where to buy?

Lust, Love & Lunacy -- PLACEBO fanfiction fan fiction and links


Mars Landing Party
images, group images, memorabilia | lyrics | bio | articles | tabs | audio/visual - Placebo
fiche artiste | news | zooms | audio-vidéo | concerts-soirées | chroniques | WWW | et aussi...

Mistresses of the Masters of Poof present
news & rumours | the mistresses gush | Steve's page | fan literature | and we dream on... | it's all black & white (pictures) | a different type of story | manachean | a lyrical story
gig review - Placebo + Six By Seven, The Brixton Academy, London, 31th October 2000

Muziek Placebo
lyrics: Placebo, Without You I'm Nothing, b-sides | RealAudio files | RAM files | tabs | AU files

My Rage
information: introduction, latest news, Placebo information | the music: discography, sounds, videos, say what?, reviews | the band: mag appearances, mag/web interviews, TV/radio interviews, images, talk Placebo | interaction: item exchange, message board, vote, fan profile, competition, downloads | contact/links: merchandise, links


Nancy Boy v2.0 >> added: Sept. 2, 2001
biographie | galeries | tournée | presse | discographie | sons | bootlegs | matériel | tablatures | paroles/trad. | news | newsletter | fan-club | goodies | forum | reviews | videos | boutique | liens

band | lyrics | discography | articles | pictures | downloads | message board | chat | greeting cards | poll | vote | links

Nypihas Site, The
message forum


Pear Pies
discography | lyrics | multimedia | pictures | tour dates

Piia's Placebo Page
band info | picture galleries | lyrics | wallpapers | quotes & song intros | interviews & articles | audio | Velvet Goldmine
news | the band | concert | meetings | forum

discografia | mp3 | links

band profiles | discography | band images | Brian Molko pictures | Stefan Ohlsdal pictures | Steven Hewitt pictures | lyrics

editorial | live | galeria | links | Brian live | galeria 2 | personalidades | cine | discografia | historia | mesias | lyricas | conciertos | bios

Placebo - Beautiful Freak
news | discography | tab | quotes | links | message board

Placebo - Le groupe de musique mythique
groupe: biographie du groupe | discographie: les albums et singles | musique: extrait RealAudio et mp3 | paroles: les paroles de tous les titres | videos: clips Real/mov et interviews | photos: des photos live et du groupe | tablatures: partitions guitare & basse | themes: thèmes bureau et skins Winamp | feedback: contact, fan club et lien

Placebo Bootjacket Website >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
early years bootlegs | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | specials | videos

Placebo Fan Site
lyrics | pics | events | links | chat

Placebo Fans
sommaire | presentation | discographie | news | lyrics | traductions | toujours plus | photos | sons | videos | interviews | concerts | divers | avis de fans | liens | mailing list | chat | forum

Placebo Invade OZ
dates/venues | advertisements | reviews | TV appearances | radio | articles | fan letters | links

Placebo Palace, The
biographies: Placebo, Brian, Stefan, Steve | faq | news | quotes: Brian's, Stefan's, Steve's | lyrics: Placebo, Without You I'm Nothing, Black Market Music | song explanations | tour dates | chat | reviews | forum | quiz | gallery | dress like Brian! | lookalikes | fan page: poems, pictures, stories | wallpapers | free Placebo money | links | award | video clips | Placebo cocktails

Placebo Picture Gallery
index | links | pictures

placebo pure spanish
discografia | informacion | su musica | multimedia | Brian Molko | Stefan Olsdal | Steven Hewitt | faq | links

Placebo: You Don't Care About Us

Pure Placebo official
chat: Placebo & Bowie chat transcript | bio: who is Placebo | audio: 'Pure Morning' in RealAudio | video: Bowie and Placebo perform '20th Century Boy' | links: links & tour dates


music & videos - Placebo - Pure Morning (100k / 512k)


Site Français de Placebo, Le
actualité | paroles et traductions | discographie et tablatures | le groupe | concerts et téléchargement | communiquer | photos

banner links

Some Stranger's Place >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
info: BM bio, links, galleries, interviews & articles, tour dates | interactive: desktop items, fan meet-ups, polls, postcards | music: discography, lyrics, tablature Placebo
music video (36 Degrees) | recent news | tour dates | links | features & interviews | recent reviews | biography

Sucker Love >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
Brian picture gallery


Yahoo! Clubs - Nancy Boy Dressed In Leather >> added: Sept. 9, 2001
home | messages | photos | chat | news | links | members |calendar

me/ Marie-France
icq/ *black*riding*hood*
aim/ ambrosiaguardian
my concert photographs [coming soon]
my magazine scans [coming soon]
add a link to the list...
site title

good or bad-- your comments...

click only ONCE, thank you *mwah*

other thanks gotta go to...

fellow fans: Ameth~ awesome buddy and late night chat partner (always a pleasure m'dear:)) *big hugs*, Heather~ see ya around on LiveJournal (love reading your stuff ;)), Jai~ going together to the NY gig was amazing, Alissa~ ttys on AIM (freakin jealous of ya yet I'll survive *L*), Holly~ love chatting with ya on ICQ :) ... as well as to my other wonderful friends Allie, Amy, Katharina, Sandra, Angie, Ally, Davonna ... and not to forget my sister Chantal who got used to my Placebo obsession *shrug* *G* by the way, hi to everybody from the BHS community *waves* now do Brian, Stef & Steve deserve a little thanks too? *S* alrightie, thanks to them for filling up part of the void in my life with their amazing music *blissful sigh*

fluid gesture sign
lipstick traces view

pictures used for the main logo are band promo shots as well as one 'Pure Morning' video still
picture below links is from the 04/27/2001 Montreal (Québec, Canada) concert at the Spectrum
this website was created by just another 'cebo fan with obviously too much time to kill