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Ok, here are my rules and crud...
I don't have many rules so a mouse could follow the rules...not like a mosue would come to this site thou-

1. You may use anything on this site but my layouts! If you want one just ask and i'll see what i can do!

2. If you do use something from my free Graphic's, give me credit!! If I land on you're site (and I always surf the net) and you borrow one of my graphic's I'll bitch you out then demand you take ether give me credit, or, well lets just say you don't wanna know... i do this to make the life of sum Webmasters easier if they suck at grpahic's, not so sum punk can steal my work

3. If you want a graphic made email me and you'll ahve to wait a few days or so!!

4.If you want you're link on this page email me and you'll need to put me up as a link as well...


Thanks enjoy looking around!!