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Here, you'll find tons of GW things, Bio's Pictures and some other things

Name: Heero Yuy
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Prussian Blue
Bloodtype: A
Gundam: MS Wing Gundam Pilot
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Birthplace: L1 Colony

What I think of Heero:
I Really enjoy Heero as a character and a pilot. At first I was like "why is he such a terd to everyone around him?' but now I've gotten to respect Heero. I love the way he deals with the battles and how he treats Relena, (I think she should admitt that she's his stalker and join stalker anonymous group) But he's not the social one of the group and keeps to him self all the time. So all in all he is quite, but a deadly psychopath/pefect soldier. He's obessed with destroying things too ;) And besides Duo, he's my fav.!!

Name: Duo Maxwell
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Indigo
Bloodtype: B
Gundam: MS Deathscythe Gundam Pilot
Ethnicity: American
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Birthplace:L2 Colony

What I think of Duo:
Duo, is awesome! He's the funniest pilot out of the GW Boys and always has a good out look on things. He says that he's nevered lied (right ;) And he's an all round a great fighter. I think of him as the comic of the bunch and the show.

Name: Trowa Barton
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark Green
Bloodtype: AB
Gundam: MS HeaveyArms Gundam Pilot
Ethnicity:Latin American
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Birthplace:L3 Colony

What I think of Trowa:
Trowa crack me up! Don't ask me why but there's something about him that makes me want to laugh! Anyways, he is absolutly quite and almost sees Heero as a couragous person (he almost killed him self) and sorta wants to be like that. He's really smart and have deep opinions about things, but always keeps them to him self. So Trowa is the brainy cool one of the group!

Name: Quatre Raberba Winner
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Bloodtype: O
Gundam: MS Sandrock Gundam Pilot
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Birthplace:L4 Colony

What I think of Quatre:
I find Quatre to be the sweetest and most caring out of anyone in the show. He never wants to kill anyone or destroy anything without demanding his enemies to surrender. So Quatre is the always putting others before himself, and he's a fantastic character!!

Name:Chang Wufei
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Bloodtype: B
Gundam: MS Shenlong Gundam Pilot
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Birthplace:L5 Colony

What I think of Wufei:
As much as I enjoy watching Wufei, he bugs the hell out of me, first of all women are not weak!! Besides that I think he's a head strong character. He knows his ideals and goes for them. Now I know I said not all women are weak, but I when is comes to Relena, he's correct!!! Even though he's pretty much the rudest one of the pilots, I personally think Relena is always slapped in the face by his comments! And I love it!! Anyway, he is usally a pain in the ass, but he makes me laugh :)Oh, and doens't he just look yummy in that pic!!!

More to come later, for now you see the basics!!
(Soon Relena, Sally Po, Zechs, Noin,LAdy Un, & Treize)