Serian Shelter

As you wonder through The Realm, you come to a large forest. You decide to investigate further and step through the underbrush. You walk for a few moments and hear something rustling in the bushes behind you. You turn to look, but all you see are trees. You decide to continue on, since it's probably just Phoenyx coming to tell you about this land. You walk on a bit longer and come to a meadow. Off to one side, you notice several flowering bushes. You approach them to look at the beautiful flowers growing there. It appears that there are several different colors of flower on one bush. You lean over to see if you can catch a scent, and as you do, you notice two greenish eyes staring back at you. Startled, you jump back and trip over a rock. As you sit on the ground, you hear a soft nickering. You start to stand and hear a sound behind you. Phoenyx steps out of the undergrowth. Suddenly, you see a flash of red jump out of the flowering bushes and start to charge towards her. Phoenyx raises her hand and the blur stops. Standing before her is the most unusual horse-like creature you have ever seen. The creature rears up on it hind legs and starts to paw the air before Phoenyx. You struggle to you feet, fearing the worst. The creature starts to settle, and you get a better look at it.

At first glance it does look a lot like a horse, but with several differences. First, you notice the colors, it's coat is red, and it's tail is bright green. You have never seen such brilliant colors on a horse before. Upon further investigation, you notice that it has no mane, but a row of very sharp looking spikes running the length of it body. Phoenyx reaches out to pet the 'horse' and you decide to walk up a bit closer. "Oh, hello, I didn't see you there. I hope Thistle didn't scare you, she is a bit leary of strangers. Come closer and let her sniff your hand and she will remember you the next time you visit." You walk up beside Phoenyx and put you hand under Thistle's nose. She sniffs you a few times and turns to Phoenyx. "It's OK Thistle, you can trust them." Thistle turns back to look at you and nuzzles your arm. "You are welcome in my forest, stranger. I'm sorry if I frightened you, that was not my intention. I'm new to The Realm, and I wasn't expecting visitors today. I will remember your smell next time, so this won't happen again. As Phoenyx has told you, my name is Thistle. I am a Serian and I come from the land of Sionayra." You step back with a shocked look on your face. She can talk! "I guess I should have warned you," says Phoenyx, "Thistle speaks her mind all the time. She is very independent." With that, Thistle walks back to the bushes and steps through. "She's just going to check out her new home. Thistle is the first Serian to come to The Realm. Recently, I received anoter. His name is Surf. I hope you can visit him. Just walk through that small opening and you should come across him. I should be going too, I have really should show her around. I hope you can come back and visit us again." Phoenyx walks off in the same direction ans Thistle. You decide to return to parts of the realm that are more familiar to you.
Serian Name: Thistle
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Parents/Alter: Forest Song
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
From: Sionayra
