You walk through a break in Thistle's forest, and come across a dark meadow. All of the sudden, it starts to rain. You search for a place to shelter youself, but seem sto be having no luck. Just as you are about to give up, you notice a small shack a few yards away. You run towards it, but hear the sound of hoof beats behind you. Not sure what to expect, after all Phoenyx keeps so many animals around, you run through the door of the shack and slam it behind you. You pause for a few minutes and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. You notice a small table in the center of the shack, it seems to be the only piece of furniture in the whole place. You walk to wards it, and see a sheet of paper.
If you have found this shack, then Surf is near by. Don't worry, he may seems scary, but he's really a push over when he wants to be. Don't try to get to close to him, he'll just run.
Phoenyx Fyre
You walk over to the window to see if you can see this so called 'Surf'. You watch the rain for a few moments when all of the sudden, a large black Serian steps into the clearing.

You watch him for a while, then he runs off towards the woods. As suddenly as the rain came, it is gone, and you are free to continue your journey.
Name: Surf
Gender: Male
Affinity (Alter)/Parents: Sacred Sea
Special Stats: Unique- Side Fins
