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All icons are 100x100 unless something screwed up or otherwise noted. Newest ones are at the top so you can scroll less. Huzzah! Feel free to add your own text, blinkies, animation, etc. Just email if you take any or if you just feel like talking, me being the egotistical anti-social bitch that I am. [many apologies about the stupid banners you were forced to endure.]

How to Use: I hate Macs. I'm only giving directions for Microsoft's spawn, tough noogies. Right click over the image you want, macs don't right-click, further proof of their evilness, and save it to your hardrive [save as]. Then go to the journaler/message board/whatever you're using this for and follow the directions at the site for uploading.

28 December 2002
Scanner, oh how I love thee. I've put little yellow boxies that tell you who's in each picture, if you're such a neandertheral as not to know. ^.~ Just hold your mouse there a bit and if angelfire finally gets that stick out of it's arse you'll see who's who. If you want the originals email me.

24 November 2002
Let us not argue legalities and just realize that a scanner is greatness and Harry Potter [or more specifically Draco Malfoy] is the bestest of the best. ::cough:: Rightio, I apologize for image quality but someday the power of psp will be mine. mwa ha ha Until then I'm stuck using a basic image editer. If you want any original pics, they're mostly 150x200, email me and tell me so in the subject line.

12 November 2002
Scanner fun. I can't really site sources, almost all were scanned or found at Some famous faces and some political whozits. Enjoy!

7 November 2002
Find these pictures at because I'm too cheap to actually buy them.

6 November 2002
Find some of these pictures at

None of these pictures were originally mine, unless I said so because believe me I'd tell you. Don't sue me, don't fine me. I'm poor and too young to have a criminal record. ::cough cough:: If you animate, add witty text, or in anyway improve upon these icons tell me or comment in my journal. I want to see what you do.