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Pauline and the Matches

The Story of

Pauline and the Matches

-Henry Hoffman

Pauline was all alone one day--

Both of her parents were away--

And, having little else to do,

She went from room to room. The view

Was nothing much until she spied

Some matches by the fireside.

"Aha!" she cried. "This will be fun!

I'll burn these matches, every one,

And when they all burst into light

They'll blaze and make a lovely sight!"

But Minz and Maunz, those clever cats,

Lifted their paws and told her, "That's

Not like a toy. 'Twill scratch and spit--

Your father has forbidden it.

Pauline, put down those matches now,

Or you'll be hurt. Miaow! Miaow!"

But Pauline would not listen. She

Struck the first match and jumped with glee.

It snapped and crackled loud and clear.

It burned--just like the picture here--

And, as the spark burst into bloom,

Gay Pauline danced around the room.

But Minz and Maunz, those clever cats,

Lifted their paws and told her, "That's

A foolish way for you to act.

You'll get in trouble. That's a fact.

There's one thing everyone has learned:

You play with fire, and you'll get burned.

Put out that flame and do it now.

Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow!

Pauline stood still. Too late! The fire

Caught at her clothes and then climbed higher,

It found her hands, it reached her hair.

It burned poor Pauline everywhere.

Then little Minz and Maunz grew wild

And screamed, "Will no one save this child?

Before she draws another breath,

Won't someone save Pauline from death?

Someone must come at once, somehow!

Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow!"

But no one came. And poor Pauline

Was now consumed. All that was seen

Of what were stockings, strings, and sashes,

Was a pair of shoes and a pile of ashes.

Minz and Maunz, those sorrowful cats,

Mourned at the heap and whimpered, "That's

The bitter lesson for today.

Whatever will her parents say?

Meanwhile, we weep for her." Their tears

Made a small pool. It stayed for years.

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