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DeLisle Family

DeLisle Coat of
DesGranges Coat
of Arms

Louis DeLisle and Louise Desgranges came from France during the period when King Louis XIV was trying to populate New France. They were married on 15 of October, 1669. Louise was a "fille du roi" or "kings daughter" and there is strong evidence that Louis was a Carignan Soldier. Two witnesses at the marriage were Antoine Bordeleau, captain of Maximy Company of the Carignan Regiment and Sir Valentin Frappier, lieutenant in the Fort Chambly regiment. Louise was given a dowry of 50 livres and the couple settled in Neuville Quebec where Louis had been granted land and had 10 children. At the time of his death on September 10, 1693, Louis, was a wealthy man worth about 3940 pounds (about $40,000 dollars. In the census of 1681 his inventory of property included; 1 gun, 7 cows and 20 acres of cultivated land. Very wealthy man by the standards of his day.
Louise retired giving up the charge of her younger children to her two oldest boys, Antoine and Jean Baptiste in 1696 at the age of 48. She lived another 25 years and died November 11, 1721 in Neuville, Quebec.
Antoine, their first born, began the branch that leads to my present day family.

Antoine DeLisle was born on November 15, 1670 and married at the age of 34. He was a fur trader and voyageur. In April of 1690 he signs a contract with Louis de La Porte to purchase farm land in Neuville. Then he joins La Porte and 170 other men to take command of Fort De Baude a trading post near Detroit. Detroit would not be settled until 1701. Antoine and Marie-Catherine Faucher dit St. Maurice were married on November 9, 1694 in Neuville, Quebec and Antoine bought his farm in 1695. Antoine and Catherine had the following children. He must have been away for much of his coeurs de bois career as his children are born 2 and 3 years apart. It is interesting to note that he has no children born in the years that Fort Michillmackinac and Fort Detroit were established. Jean Baptiste was the second son born to Antoine and Marie in Neuville.

Jean Baptiste DeLisle married Francois Trottier Bellecourt in Neuville and had 13 children. Of their thirteen children only four, three sons and one daughter, would reach adulthood and have children of their own. The couple lived in Pointe Levy, Lauzon, Quebec between the years 1743 and 1753 where 9 children were born and 6 of them died. Francoise Bellecourt died on March 26, 1782 in Neuville. It is unclear when Jean Baptiste died. Their son Louis Noel, their youngest child married Angelique Maillot and moved at some point to Quebec City and later to Detroit, Michigan.

Louis Noel DeLisle moved first to Detroit between November 28, 1780 the date of his marriage and January 5, 1782 where eleven children were born on both sides of the Detroit River. It is likely that Noel either helped to build or worked for the Navy Yard built at what became Fort Malden in 1796 after the one at Detroit was closed. These dates coincide with the birth places of his children. In 1784 at the end of the American Revolution Louis moves his family to the Assumption Parish on the Canadian side of the border. In 1785 it seems he was living back in Detroit where two more sons were born one in 1785 then in 1788. By 1790 he was again living in Assumption Parish where two more sons were born Jean Baptiste in 1790 and Alexis in 1791. We find a daughter born in 1794 in Detroit, the year of the signing of the Jay Treaty that gave Detroit to the Americans. In 1796 when Detroit was surrendered to the Americans Louis is still living in Detroit. A time of great unrest as the War of 1812 approached. However Louis Noel would not live long enough to see the war. He died in Detroit on January 4, 1800 at the age of 41 leaving his wife with 4 sons, Denis age 12, Jean Baptiste age 10, Charles age 4 and Pierre age 8 months old. Pierre died later that spring in April. Angelique's death date is not yet found but I suspect she lived in Detroit until her death. Her two eldest sons would marry and live in Essex County and her youngest, Charles, married and lived in Detroit.

Jean Baptiste DeLisle was the 5th child of Louis Noel and Angelique. Born in Assumption Sandwich on June 22, 1790 he would move back to Detroit with his family where his father died in 1800. By the time the War of 1812 came around Jean Baptiste was 22 and he must have joined the ranks of the British Loyalists in defence of Canada. He settled in Essex County at the time that the Talbot Road was being worked. He married Jeanne Parker on August 12, 1817 at St. Jean Baptiste Church in Amherstburg two years after the town was officially named Amherstburg. The couple had twelve children born between 1818 and 1844. Between 1844 and the 1851 Census of the area Jean Baptiste died. We find Jeanne living with her son John (Jean Baptiste) in 1851. Jeanne lived until May 18, 1872. Jean Baptists (son of JB & Jeanne) brother Denis had no male heirs making many of the DeLisle's in this area descendants of Jean Baptiste who eventually took over his fathers farm.

Jean Baptiste DeLisle was born in Sandwich Township and at the age of 10, moved to Malden Township on the homestead with his parents and siblings. He was a sailor with Captain John Duncanson out of Amherstburg but later at the age of 29 married Caroline Clark on January 1, 1847, daughter of John Clark, a soldier in the War of 1812. He settled on the farm of his parents and raised 11 chrildren. In 1858 three of the children died of scarlet fever; Peter 4 years old, Alice 6 years old and Daniel 8 months old, one right after the other in one months time. On February 22, 1894 Jean Baptiste died at the age of 76 having lived longer than any of his forefathers and lived to see an amazing century that included Confederation of Canada, Canadian Pacific Railway, Louis Reil Rebellion, Abolition of slavery, and the birth of the game of hockey . Caroline died one month later on March 11, 1894. Henry, their youngest son took over the homestead in Malden until his death in 1899.

Richard Louis DeLisle is the next in my family line. The eldest son of JB & Caroline Clark. He was my great grandfather and married Marie Angele Deriger LaPlante. He settled with his family in on a farm in Malden Township. They had six children and Richard died at the young age of 46 years leaving 3 young children at home. Marie moved the farmily to Toledo, Ohio and returned to Windsor around 1906 where she remarried to John Webb sometime after the death of his wife Naomi in 1909. Marie died on December 15, 1930 in Windsor. The six children of Richard & Marie were; Louis Hubert, Agnes Caroline, Matilda Deline, Mary Olivia, Walter Richard and Harry who was born in England and adopted according to the 1891 Census of that area. Louis married Emilie Brothers, Agnes died at a young age, Matilda married John Brothers (John Brothers and Emilie Brothers were brother and sister), Mary Olivia went by Olive and married Joseph Gaghan and lived in California, Walter married first to Therese St. Aubin and second to Rose Bensette and Harry has yet to be located only being mentioned once in the 1891 Census but not mentioned in Richards death as a surviving child.

Left to Right sitting; Richard DeLisle, Walter DeLisle, Rose DeLisle (nee Bensette)
Left to Right standing; Viola, John Webb (2nd husband of Marie Angele Deriger), Louis DeLisle, Emilie DeLisle (nee Brothers), Marie Angle Webb (DeLisle, nee Deriger LaPlante)

Walter married first to Theresa Clara St. Aubin on December 21, 1912 at Holy Rosary Church in Windsor. They had 4 children; Beulah Mae who married and lived in Australia until her death in 1980, Francis who died on August 19, 1942 at the Raid on Dieppe in the service of his country, Douglas who died tragically when he was hit by a car at the age of 11 years old, and Ruth who died 1921 as a young child. He then married Rose Beatrice Bensette and had two more children; Walter "Butch" 1941-1998 and Geraldine "Gerry".

DeLisle Family
December 1955
Butch, Rose, Walter, Gerry

Walters descendants still live in Windsor, Ontario and a few live in Australia. From the two marriages there are 11 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and 4 great great grandchildren living today.

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Parish Entries of the
marriages that took
place in Quebec.

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