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Locke's Home

This Page Is Hosted By Locke

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

I just started at 10:06PM 1 July. I will try to keep it updated.

This page is now All about THE GREAT FINAL FANTASY SERIES.I will have walkthroughs, Roms and midi's for all the Final Fantasy's.Thank you Square Soft for the best series out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you would like anything added e-mail me (bottem of page)

DO NOT vote more than once !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please)

Sorry i have not updated this site in over a month i lost my password:-(

i will try and put a !!NEW!! section but no garantees i will have to find what to put.Any segestion???(please send me some)

sorry i have not updated in a while im trying to keep up with school and stuff i will try and update but i have no more ideas(please help, if u want to see any thing on this site pls tell me)im going to get a new page(if i can think of any thing help would be nice) sorry for any inconveniance!

im am sorry about all u netscape navegators people this site dosnt work on it ill try and get it working or get a new site im really sorry. bye for now!

im now trying to build my site on Dreamwever(for thoughs of u who dont know what it is, it is a advanced web page desienor)bye for now!

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Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy MQ
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 7
