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{ Stats } { Story } { Impression }
{ Hatchling } { Weyrling } { Adult }

Name: Ttrae'an Diama
Diama means 'leopard' in the High-Speech used by the mages of Kaertel'yn. To find out why Ttrae'an is called the Diama, read on.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Kaertelese Diama-morph
 The Kaertelese are a an elven race, on a world in which  magic is highly important. In Kaertelien  society, The mages are the highest and ruling class. Both Ttrae'an's parents were animal mages, who experimented with the ability to morph into an animal. For her parents, this was a long and time-consuming process; however, Ttrae'an was born able to morph into a leopard at will. A little after Ttrae'an's birth, the High Council of mages executed her parents for their work in transformation. This magic was believed to be evil, and was never attempted again. Ttrae'an is a social reject because of her strange trait.

Parents: Jole'veriam and Chesae'ra

Location: Since Ttrae'an is under 19, the official 'adult' age on Kaertel'yn, she is under the jurisdiction of City School, a place of communal learning where all mage-children grow up. However, she is not liked by her teachers of classmates, and so spends as much time as possible away from the City.

Appearance: Ttrae'an is of medium height, at 5'8, and is fairly slender. However, her other traits better reflect her powerful leopard morph. Her skin is the golden tan of a leopard's pelt, and her mane of wavy, klah-brown hair has golden dapples, like a diama's spots reversed. Her appearance is fairly elven except for slit-pupiled cat eyes... eyes that cause many to fear her.

Personality: Ttrae'an has a fiery personality, but while elven, she usually succeeds in controlling her emotions. Like all mages, she has a deep set personal ban on drawing blood. However, in her less-controlled leopard form, she has no problems with killing - or devouring. She embarks on a difficut journey in an attempt to come to terms with herself.

pilgrim, how you journey
on the road you chose:
to found out why the winds die
and where the stories go.
all days come from one day,
that much you must know.
you cannot change what's over
but only where you go.

one way leads to diamonds,
one way leads to gold,
another leads you only
to everything you told...

in your heart you wonder,
which of these is true?
the road that leads to nothing
the road that leads to you

will you find the answer
in all you say and do?
will you find the answer in you?

each our hearts a pilgrim:
each one wants to know
the reason why the winds die
and where the stories go

pilgrim in your journey
you may travel far

for pilgrim, it's a long way
to find out who you are.

pilgrim, it's a long way
to find out who you are.

[ Pilgrim: Enya ]