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I'm only adding links to sites that are truly useful or infinitely fascinating. More will be added as I find them.

    Blue Letter Bible:A very good online Bible. Includes search by verse or by text. Other features are Commentaries on verses and chapters.

    E Sword: The best FREE downloadable Bible I've found.

    The Ray C. Stedman Library: Some of the best Bible studies (in pdf and mp3 format) that I've found on the Internet. Clear, intelligent and well organized.

    Chuck Missler: Chuck Missler is one of the most intelligent and astute Bible scholars of our time. Never boring.

    Always Be Ready: An insightful, well organized site that supplies simple answers to athiests questions as well as in-depth explanations of other beliefs.

    Bible Support website: A Christian Bible site with tons of resources a lot of them are free.

    Dr. J. Vernon McGee's "Through the Bible in 5 years" in pdf and mp3 format.

    One Place: a good resource for online sermons. You can choose whichever subject you feel you need to hear.