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Dirty Teenyboppers, Inc.

This is the home of Dirty Teenyboppers, Inc. This is a place for *NSYNC fans to seek shelter from the creepy, obsessed teenies. It is a place for the Dirty fans. The ones who appreciate the flaws of these pop stars.

10 Signs You Belong Here

10. You know Justin bitched out the little girl for liking JC better--and you love him more for it.

9. You won the pool of when Joey would have his first bastard child.

8. You understand JC doesn't have a sinus problem-he has a crack addiction.

7. It doesn't bother you that Chris is 30.

6. You know Lance likes to take the rest of the boys "liquor fishin'."

5. Justin stays with Britney not because she knows what it's like to live like him, but because her favorite position is "on top."

4. You sponsored the Save Wade Foundation to protect him from the jealous wrath of Joey.

3. You know JC thinks he's the next son of God, but you're OK with that.

2. You miss Chris's black eye-liner phase.

1. You believe it was Lance whom announced that Busta pissed on the floor during the All Access show--making him the first to "cuss" on national television.

Whaaaaaaa!!!!!! THIS IS INSANE!!!! It has been 3 1/2 MONTHS. AH. Well. A semi-update....

For now...The Queens of the World

Progress Updates*Last Entry- 11/02/01*

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Or you can IM us: Nikki- MmmYamStick, AJ-AutieJay83
