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Realm of Diana

"Where Diana is Queen of Our Hearts"

News Letter
Spring 2002
Maria Lindberg, Editor

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the
Spring 2002 Newsletter
From the Loving Lights of Diana

Sorry it has been slow in coming, but better late than never and hopefully I will be able to get some reporters to help me next letter so I won’t have to do it alone. (Hint Hint!)

It has been almost 5 years as we all know, and still no Memorial Fountain for Diana. We need to redouble our efforts. If we, the people who loved her don’t insist, it will forever remain on the back burner. There are several things we can do. Trying is better than just accepting. I don’t know about you, but I made a promise to her at Althorp and I plan to keep it!

Write to the Princess of Wales Memorial Fund. In the subject line, put attention Rosa Mockton. I read that she is also on this fund as an advisor, so maybe she will reply. Also, and this involves our UK members, we need to write to Gordon Browne, since he is head of HRH Royal Parks Commission, and without his moving things along, this will never get done. We need an address for him…snail mail if that is all you can get.. e-mail would be great too!

We need to write to those reporters, and constantly, who were sympathetic to Diana…such as
Richard Kay, James Whitaker, Julie Burchill, even Andrew Morton..We can probably write to him via his publisher in one of his Diana books. If you can think of others send through the list.

Here are some addys you might want to take note of:
Royal Parks UK

Scroll down to the last sign on the lefthand signpost,it gives the status of Diana's Fountian..
To Quote Shakespeare: "Much ado about nothing!"

Write to Richard Kay here:
Richard Kay

Trish is also preparing a letter we can copy and paste either on an email or in Diana guest books. We will be asking them to post our petition on their web sites, or if not that, to sign the petition to Tony Blair. We are holding him responsible for getting the fountain built. He promised it in the first place, we need to let him know that we are not going to let him just:

“Pass the buck.”

Together, we can do this. If not, at least we can try. There are some awesome women in this list. I have no doubt that we can make a difference in getting this fountain built for our Diana. Tony Blair ain’t seen Diana’s Knights in action yet! So pick up the banner mount your trusty steeds…Ok get out the pen and paper and typing fingers ready…same thing…and go forth and defend our Lady’s honor. If her country won’t do it, we will..

I would also like to welcome, on behalf of the officers of LLOD and all the members,
Our newest additions to the LLOD family:

Frannie, Louise and Lori

We are so glad to have you and hope you will feel right at home here. We are a special and close knit group…We care about one another and our personal lives are just as important to each of us here as our love for Diana. That is what brought us here.. A circle of caring with Diana in the middle.. The common bond each of us the spoke of a wheel…One is just as important as the other, so if you have any questions, or just need to talk, any of us will be happy to answer them and will be there for you when you need to vent. So welcome!

In conclusion, I would just like to quote the song “I Vow to Thee my Country, which was Diana’s favorite hymn, sung at her wedding as well as her funeral. Diana made a vow on her wedding day. We made a vow at her funeral. Let us all come together and make this happen.

“…And soul by soul and silently…
Her shining bounds increase…
And her ways are ways of gentleness…
And all her paths are peace…’

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Table of Contents

News of the Realm
Diana Friends
Collection Spotlight
Where I Hang My Crown
Memorials From The Realm
Ladies of the Realm
Birthdays of the Realm
Realm Swapper
Picture of the Month

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