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Realm of Dawn

Night Angel

This is just my central page, a bit about me, but mostly a bunch of links to my pages so they might all be in one place. Also I plan on making banners for all these sites rather then having dull and monotonous descriptions...

First, my newest page, and one I am fairly proud of. It's a PBeM RPG.

This is my illustration page. Basicaly it has my illustration type drawings.

Next comes my drawings page. I...somehow... reached this page to edit it YEY! Now it is dedicated to my cartoon style. Check it out if your interested...

This page is dedicated to my photo editing and fanfics, mostly photo editing.

This page is not complete and will eventualy have some samples of my music.

I run a good many role plays, but only have pages for four of them so far. My STSWRP, my modern Lotr Dark Dawn, my role play based on Stephen Lawheads, Song of Albion, and my Tolkien based OneRing_rpg

This is just my Yahoo Messenger tricks page.

Last is the page of My Minion's, one of whom is barking up a storm right now. A friend and I made this site for our pups. The joke and Minion theme places me as Miss Hades, and my minions consist of Dagmar and Sadie. There are scattered pictures of both...

Now that you have all my links I guess I'll just finish this off. I am an aspiring author/illustrator and a devout Christian, despite my little minion joke. If any authors seeking an illustrator come across this site, check out my illustrations. Who knows, I might just be what you are looking for.

Web Page Created By: Night Angel