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Rowan pictures through Feb.'04 plus some new pictures of Niall

Ya ya, you try chasing Rowan and keeping a site up to date...

Pictures from October and Hallowe'en
Our fall visit to Abingdon
Ho ho ho Merry Christmas
More holiday cheer
At the construction site of Pop and Fannie's new house
Rowan just LOVES his dog
It snowed several times in Raleigh this year
Rowan still loves Daddy most of all
Pictures of the new boy: Niall James

Rowan is growing up much too fast. He's doing excellent in speech and has learned to climb the furniture. We've changed him over to cloth diapers and he's getting familiar with his potty chair.
I know these pics span from Halloween through January. Call me slack. At least I'm taking them even if I'm not scanning them and putting them up here! hee hee
Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.

Links you'll love

Visit Rowan's Odyssey for more information about Rowan's cleft, his surgeries, and some cool websites.

Check out The Daily Rowan a subscription service for those who request it.

Uncle Ben's website has pictures of Rowan's Uncle Ben, Aunt Michelle, and cousins Lundy, Callah, and Jenna.

Dave Barry is one of Milli's favorite writers and is always good for a smile.