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List of Professions:      

      A thief is a skilled pilferer, ready to live off the fat of the land by the easiest means possible. Some say they are the epitome of roguishness. Thieves often feel that the world owes them a living. Day by day, they get by, living in the highest styles they can afford and doing as little work as possible. The less they toil and stuggle the better off they are to their thinking. They have the 'what's in it for me' attitude. Even though this attitude is neither evil or cruel, most thieves do not have a good reputation as their profession is not honorable.

Thieves live by their cunning, nimbleness and stealth. Whether turning their talents against the innocent passer by, wealthy merchant or helping other adventurers is their choice to make. Though being of questionable character and shady background, some people find a thief's skill invaluable when on an adventure as they possess a knack for finding and getting rid of traps and opening locks and treasure chest. At times, a well known thief will be hired to acquire rare and very valuable items for a profit of course. Anyone who considers hiring a thief, best be prepared to pay a goodly sum.

Rogue Skill & Abilities
  • Thieves receive a +5% to evade.

  • Dual Weapon Attack - Though most thieves would rather avoid confrontations, they are nimble and ambidextrous, able to fight with two light weapons at once. Being limited with their use of weapons since they spend more attention honing their thieving abilities, they can only use the combination of a d6 and d4 weapon and any other combination of lighter weapons as long as the two weapons combined are equal to d10. They don't have to use this and can attack with just one weapon if wanting to.

    Thieves have these abilities at a 30% chance of success starting at level 1; gaining a +5% at every level.

  • Find/Disarm Trap - When using this skill, a thief pays close attention to their surroundings, searching for anything which looks suspicious. If looking to Find a Trap (high wis bonus adds to %) if trying to Disarm a Trap (high intel bonus adds to %).

  • Open Locks - Thieves use this skill to pick locks so they can gain entry into a place or to open chests, etc. (High Dex bonus applies to %).

  • Pick Pocket - Using this skill, the thief is able to filch small items from other people's pockets, sleeves, girdles, packs, etc. (High dex bonues adds to %).

  • Infiltrate - This skill is used when an thief tries to gain entrance into a place, searching out the best way to get inside possible, be it hidden passages, trap doors, etc. (High Wis bonus adds to %)

  • Disguise - Sometimes, a thief must go incognito. With more use and practice, they learn to master this skill. (High Cha bonus applies to %)

  • Ascend/Climb Walls - Although anyone can climb rocky walls and steep slopes, due to the rogues agility, they normally possess a better climbing chance then some other classes, sometimes, they are even able to scale smooth walls and surfaces with little climbing gear. However, they must not be wearing any suits or armor when doing so and they are unable fight or defend themselves. (High Dex bonus applies to %)

  • Tightrope Walking - Using this skill, thieves are able to concentrate and balance themselves as they walk across things such as a rope, narrow ledges, etc. They must not be wearing any armor when doing so. (High dex bonus adds to %).

  • Alert Sense - Thieves always makes sure to pay attention to their surroundings, even paying attention to the smallest of details to make sure that they are not caught off their guard. Listening intently, they are able to hear almost the faintest of sounds, they use this to sense for danger, making sure they do not fall victim to things like surprise attacks, back stabs, etc. They must stand still and concentrate. (High Wis bonus adds to %)

  • Stealth (Hide in Shadows/Move Silently) - Thieves enter a stealth mode, effectively becoming invisible for a time, unnoticed. Stealth is affected by shadows, if there are no shadows present then stealth mode can not be done. Once the thief has made an attack, stealth is ended. (High Dex bonus adds to %)

    • Backstab/Sneak Attack - Not preferring to go toe to toe, thieves will attack an unsuspecting victim swiftly. This is a technique that is mastered. (This must be stated in the attack and if successful, it deals out normal damage with no soak, there is no evade as the target did not expect such an assault. (High Dex adds to %) The thief must also be behind the target and using stealth to do this.)


  • Thieves are of the EvenHeart and DarkHeart ethics.
  • Thieves are rogues.
  • Thieves must have a dex of 16.
  • Thieves are allowed to dual class with Mage, Fighter and Priest.
  • Thieves can only use light and one handed weapons when using melee type weapons. They find two handed weapons to be too slow and clumsy.
  • Thieves can't wear heavy armor. They usually stay with Padded, Leather and Studded Leather suits of armor. Any metal or heavy armor subtracts from their abilites (Giving them a -20% to all their skills) Their max soak is 50%.

    *Starting Equipment*

  • 2 Weapons
  • 1 Suit of Armor (Studded Leather or Below)
  • 50 Feet of Rope
  • 1 Grappling Hook
  • 1 Set of Flint and Steel
  • 2 Torches
  • Appropriate Clothing
  • 1 Backpack
  • 1 Bedroll
  • 1 Small Tent
  • 1 Canteen
  • 1 Set of Lock Picks