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List of Professions:      

Rangers are the true ecolgical warriors and elite group that works well in all areas in Destiny. They are only of the evenheart ethic, and stand as the true keepers of Balance in Destiny.

Rangers have the special ability to heal the land itself and the animals, and to speak with both freely. Rangers begin with two weapons and specialize in both. They have a choice of three weapons to begin with: The bow, which they receive a +5% to hit with and +1 damage per level; the longsword, which they receive a +5% to hit with; or the scimitar, which they receive a +5% to hit with. Rangers may only use leather, padded leather, or studded leather armor.

Rangers gain a companion at level 4, and one of three abilities from the animal; sight, hearing or smell (in that order of 1 sight, 2 hearing, and 3 smell). Both of these rolls must be made in the presence of a DGM, DGA or DGC.

Companion Stat Table

Skills of the Ranger:

(Please note that some of the skills have an advantage over that of other nature borne proffesions. These skills are shown as well to the table below for skill ability percentages)

Arborist (+5% ability) Archery/Bowing and Fletching (+5% ability)
Botony/Herbal Lore and Remedies Camouflage and Concealment
Carpentry and Millwork (+5% ability) Companionship of Animals (befriend Only!)
Directional Sensing Hide working and tanning
Hunting and Tracking Leather Working
Moving Silently / Stalking Wilderness Survival (+5% ability)
Wood Carving and Detailing Zoology and Identification basics

Skills Percentage Chart

Level: skill %: Bonus Skill% (For Arboring, Archery, Carpentry & Survival): + Dmg to Bow:
1 25 % 30 % +1 dmg
2 30 % 35 % +2 dmg
3 30 % 35 % +3 dmg
4 35 % 40 % +4 dmg
5 40 % 45 % +5 dmg
6 45 % 50 % +6 dmg
7 45 % 50 % +7 dmg
8 50 % 55 % +8 dmg
9 55 % 60 % +9 dmg
10 60 % 65 % +10 dmg
11 65 % 70 % +11 dmg
12 65 % 70 % +12 dmg
13 70 % 75 % +13 dmg
14 75 % 80 % +14 dmg
15 80 % 85 % +15 dmg
16+ 80 % max 90 % max +15 dmg (Maximum)
The maximum percentage allowed for skills is 80%, 90% for specialty skills of rangers, and +15dmg with bow/projectile. These are set and cannot change even with bonuses of country or race.

Abilities and Restrictions

Rangers Can not dual class.
Rangers Can only be of the EvenHeart ethic.
Rangers can only start off specified weapons (bow, longsword or scimitar).
Rangers are a warrior class.
Rangers receive a +5% to hit with a bow, and +1 Dmg to every level.
Rangers receive a +5% to hit with a longsword or scimitar.
Rangers cannot wear armor above studded leather. They can however wear Cliff Sylven ChainMail as it does not slow down their movements. A Ranger's max soak can not exceed 50%.

Starting Equipment

Current List of Rangers