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List of Professions:      

     Gladiators are the blood and guts of the warrior class. They are of Evenhearted ethic and don't care who they fight against or who fights along side them. Gladiators are known to fight anything which challenges them, whether it be animals, people, or even against odds they cannot beat, they rarely turn down a fight. They especially do not like wild animals of any kind and would just as soon try and kill one as to look at it. Gladiators are not the huggy adoring type. They feel little remorse or guilt; they do what they have to do.
     While it is rare for a Gladiator to make a friend, in most cases, they have been fiercely protective. However, not many could befriend a person, such as a Gladiator, who is so recklessly willing to rush into battle. In the end, when it comes right down to it, a Gladiator is driven by his own motivations and not one to keep the best interests of anyone else in mind. Today he has an ally, yet tomorrow that ally becomes a foe. Such is the life of a Gladiator, fighting for glory in the arena.
     The Gladiator has a broad knowledge of all weapons which gives them a +5% to hit using any weapon they pick up, and they will receive a +1 to damage after attaining level 4. Those choosing this profession must have a strength, constitution and dexterity of at least 16; and, with this profession, they receive a +2 bonus to strength, constitution and dexterity. This profession is limited to the races of Human, Orc, Half Ogre, Dwarf, Dark Sylven, Desert Sylven, Tide Sylven and Cliff Sylven.

Abilities and Restrictions

Starting Equipment

Current List of Gladiators